--Chapter 30--

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So many people have already left the school after the attack, parents are latterly crawling up the gates to give the Director a mouthful... and where is the director you ask? Hiding most of the time, and if he isn't hiding he is talking to the builders about the new gym and most importantly the entrance. The director doesn't care about the gym, it was an add on. After last night, I have enough information to try to find out the rest of the truth.

All I know now is that Director is like a never-ending book, he knows everything, no wonder he runs this school with no one questioning his position... well except the parents, but they don't know him yet.

"Director?" I call as I walk into his office, "Director?" I call again, great he is hiding. "The builders are here," I lie,

"Really," The director pokes his head out from under his desk,

"No," I tell him.

"So, Miss Elena, what brings you here?" He asks as he flattens out his hair and puts his hat on,

"I want to know about the... in your top draw." I ask,

"Oh, you saw that then." He says,

"Was I not meant to?"

"It would be better if you didn't, but I guess now I just elaborate, what do you want to know?" He sits at his desk,

"Why my file, Ashton's and Jackson's files are there, as well as Adam's?" I ask,

"Oh, the files. The files, well that is simple, they are the files that we find the most interesting, power, and potential wise," he answers,

"Who is Theory, Malia and Tess?" I ask, getting their names wrong...completely,

"Well, Theory, I call him Theron but oh well, and Mahalia are my nephews and niece, and Tesa the daughter of an old friend."

"You have a brother?"

"A sister,"


"I actually had 2. Is that all?"

"Why is Jackson Missing in Action, and not dead."

"...I don't know if you knew this, but his body is being searched for, and after all this time...nothing has been found."

"So, he could be..."

"Don't get your hope up, Jackson is still only... human. Is that all now? I have to see what these builders are doing, it has been two days and they haven't gotten back to me." I leave the room, with only one thing known, that empty casket we buried, may never be filled.

***** DIRECTOR'S POV*****


"Everything is truly going downhill, isn't it Nora." I pull out an image of a woman with short light blonde hair.


"Ash!" I yell running towards him,

"Elena, where did you just go?"

"The director's office, I just had some more questions," I explain,

"Anything new?"

"Not really," I say.

"Where are we going now?" I ask watching crowds of people walk down the hall.

"They are calling a meeting for all remain students."


"I don't know, but they better let everyone know what is going on or I will."

We walk in an gather in the hall, all students.

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