Honey if you bite me I'll bite you right back ~ Chapter Eleven~ ^^

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The word echoes through my head, but I just sit there.

"Run Bell!" The words echo again..but not from Jayden. It's from someone else. Someone in my head.

Who? Who else is telling me to run? I try to recognize the voice but every time I try my head starts to buzz like something is warning me not to think about it.

I stared into the bright blue eyes of the wolf who stared right back. It's fur was long and black. It looked peaceful. I went to turn my head to look at Jayden But that was a Bad Idea.

I should've ran because right when I went to turn my head a huge weight pushed me down. Everything was different from what I just saw.

The wolves eyes were now red, it's fur was hard and rigid, and it's teeth were reaching towards the middle of my neck.

"Stop!" My voice matches with the voice of a memory that I cannot remember.

It stopped and stared right into my eyes. It's eyes were now like a rainbow to me. Knowing me I was probably Going crazy.

But when it's eyes snapped shut everything Went black and I faded into the darkness.


The forest was bright and calming like the ones were you'd read out of a book. Where was I? And How did I get here?

Jeez what happened...I Cant remember anything after I blacked out. Blah see im going crazy. All timers maybe?

Who knows.

All I know right now is that I have to get the hell out of here or I'll probably get eaten by a bear or something.

Are you serious? Ive been walking around this forest for like nine hours and all I see are tree's.

No animals. No Houses. No nothing.

Really I need to get out of here.

I sat down under the tree I was closet to and literally wined for one hour straight. But that's when it all came to me. All the questions I should've answered a long time ago.

Why was I so Calm about the vampires?

How did A werewolf get into a fucking vampire house?

Who was that voice?

There was one thing I could do and one thing I did.

I cried.

Cried out everything that I wish would just disappear.

"Bell get back here right now!" Someone yelled.

I quickly looked up but saw nothing. What did someone find me? Something..or someone started running toward where I was.

"Arabella!" Someone yelled my name again.

Another shadow in the woods appeared behind the first one.

"Mary calm down Im just playing!" A kids voice yelled filled with laughter.

That's when I saw her...That's when I saw me. It was me and I knew it.

Though I have no memories from when I was a kid something in me was telling me that's me. I looked at her in front of me.

Same long black raven hair and the same colored eyes to. Everything was the same after that to. The same Nose, Same Chin, Same Ears.

The only thing that was different was there wasn't a long scar across the bottom of her neck. Ive had that scar from what I can remember but I don't remember getting it.

That little girl was me in an eight year old body. That's when An old lady in about her seventies came running after.

"Bell you know it's dangerous going into the forest when it's getting dark." The lady im assuming to be Mary said.

"What? Do you think the wolves are out to get me?" The girl said her eyes turning dark.

"Mary chill out nothing can beat me..Do you know who I am?" She added with a grin on her face.

"Oh child.." Mary said with a sad face.

"Why Im The Devils Daughter."

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