Valentine's Day

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happy birth 1D

thanks for giving me five years of happiness and another two years of absolute stress and anxiety

this is the Valentine's Day following Harry's return to America.


"So, do you have much planned for Valentine's Day?" Sadie quietly asked me one morning while we ate breakfast. Harry was still asleep in the bedroom as far as I knew. I shrugged.

"Honestly, we haven't talked about it." Valentine's Day was in a little over a week and with the annoying planning of Harry's thirty-fourth birthday from last week finally finished and letting me breathe, I wasn't surprised that we hadn't discussed it. Plus, adding on that we had already spent the past Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years' doing the same thing, it felt like Valentine's Day was just going to be another holiday doing the same celebrations.

"What did you do for his birthday?" She asked as I stood up and took my bowl to the sink. I gave her a shrug.

"I mean, we went out to dinner and spent some time with his family, nothing too elaborate. But we've been doing that every single holiday these past few months. I feel like we're just going to do the same thing this time."

"Harry doesn't seem like the type of guy to have a lame routine like that." She stated. "He better give you something incredible, otherwise I'm going to have a talk with him."

I chuckled. "You're not his mother, Sadie."

"Obviously. I'd be a lot hotter if I were. Only a goddess can create a human being as gorgeous as he is."

I rolled my eyes and continued on with my morning, throwing on some clothes for the day and pulling my hair into a ponytail before sliding my fuzzy earmuffs on. I decided to take Harry's wool scarf to class since it was a lot thicker than the one he bought me and it was far too chilly outside to wear a thin one.

I leaned over him before I left, pressing a kiss to his temple. "Bye, Harry," I whispered, brushing his unruly curls away from his face. "I'll be back at two."

Just as I walked away, I heard him mumble and I turned around to face him.

"I love you." He muttered, and I pressed my lips together as I smiled.

"I love you too."

He rolled over to look at me, and his eyes narrowed. "Is that my scarf?"

I looked down at the fabric draped around my neck and nodded. "It's cold."

"I bought you a scarf." He smiled. "Is Saint Laurent too good for your Burberry?"

I cocked my head and gave him a look. "The Burberry one is too thin for this weather. I don't want to die."

He rolled his eyes at my dramatization. "You won't die. Go on, then. Get to class before you're late, babe."

"Go back to sleep, Harry." I said as I walked toward the door. I went about my day, going through the routine of two classes, a lunch break, and two more classes before I could go back to the apartment. At two, I had finally walked through the front door and tossed my bag next to the couch. It was ridiculously cold today and I couldn't wait to change back into my sweatshirt and fuzzy socks and nestle myself under my warm bed sheets.

I went into my room to see a shirtless Harry sat on the floor, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose as he typed away on his laptop and multiple spreadsheets and files were scattered around him. He looked up at me and smiled as he said, "Hi, baby. How was your morning?"

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