Chapter 6 | goddamnit sam

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Me, Kayla, and sam watched the guards carefully well my brother was on his laptop hacking into the system to check where everyone else was and what gate number they where at.

"Hurry the fuck b/n" (in case you forgot that means brothers name)

"Shut up I'm trying as fast as I can" he typed faster on the keys.

"Wait guys, there's Abby" I pointed Abby who was talking to another girl.

"We need to get her attention" Sam got up from the floor. "We need someone to get in an orange suit and talk to her."

"this side is a girls prison and they'll notice me. I'm pretty sure they know I've been gone by now"

"I'll do it" Kayla said. "Okay what if they ask who you are?"

She shrugged. "Taurtis and grian are in the east side and there gate number is... 23"

"Okay you guys go I'll stay with Kayla just in case something happens. I'll pretend to be a guard if she gets in trouble" Sam says

"What if they ask for your card?"

"I have a way" we all just shrugged and me and my brother went to the east side.

"How am I gonna get in?" I ask. "I can hack on if the gates for you to get in. I'll distract the guards" I nodded and we ran towards the east side.


"Alright it's unlocked. Go" I looked to the left side to check for any guards until I opened the gate.

Now to find number 23.

19...20...21..22.. wait. Where's 23?

"It's almost my break so I was gonna.." I quickly hide once I heard that voice. I hide between a small space between the walls. Once they past by and I looked again for number 23.

"Where the hell is it" I mumbled to myself.

I checked around once again but found no 23.

I decided to check the next gate. Hopefully it was unlocked.

I was about to open the gate when I got a message from Sam

Sam: we got Abby but no sign of Emily. Abby said she saw her in the cafeteria but we checked and she was gone. We think she's back in her gate.

Me: okay. I couldn't find gate 23 so I'm gonna check the other gates.

I opened the gate and luckily it was open. I checked the numbers again.


"Y/n?" I smiled. "Hey Taurtis"

"W-what are you doing here? Who'd you escape?" He went towards the bars that were keeping us from hugging.

"You know y/n great escape! We're all here trying to get you guys out. I missed you"

"I missed you like hell too"

The moment soon got ruined. "Hello? Grian here."

"Hey grian!" I turned my attention to him. "Know how are you gonna get us out of here"

I was about to say something before I got interrupted "by this key"

"Abby!" I yelled out and ran to her, to hug here.


"Where's everyone else?"

"Well we found Emily and she's still the bitch as always and they're keeping an eye out" she got the keys out and started unlocking there gate.

"Hey can you get me out too?" A random guy asked.


"Okay you guys you been hugging for a while and we need to leave" Abby said breaking mine and taurtis hug.

I hugged him tighter. "Guys we need to go guards are coming" I let go of him and we ran towards the exit.

It was blocked.

Sam kept trying to push it open. "Hey! Stay right there! Hands in the air"

"Goddamnit Sam! It says pull not push" I quickly pulled open the door and we all ran out.

Taurtis grabbed my hand and he ran quicker pulling me with him. To the point where I Almost keep tripping.

We all climbed the fence- well tried too but sam fell off. "Fuck" the guards where about to get him but my brother throw his knife at him and it hit him straight in the chest.

Grian went back down and helped Sam up. Once we where all over the fence- which took a while, we ran towards the newest clothing store and got new things so well at least look a bit different.

"There gonna find out sooner or later"

"I think we have to move again. We caused way to much trouble here"  i sighed. "We'll have to talk to silly for that."

"Oh yeah. I forgot that your brother saved her"
After that day when we got a call from here I found out that Ashley was trying to kill her. Well we where in jail my brother found her and know she's safe.

After changing Taurtis pulled me back. "Hey beautiful" he kissed my nose, than my cheek, than my forehead.

"Stop teasing me" I grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss.

He pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. My hands found there way to his hair and lightly pulled on it and he groaned.

"Okay guys, make out time over. We need to go" Taurtis groaned again.

We walked out of the store, and walked around the town until we found a decent motel.

We got 3 rooms. One for me and Taurtis, Sam and Kayla, and unfortunately Abby, grain and my brother got one together.

I laid on the bed on my side watching the sun rise. Warm arms wrapped around my waist.

"I'm glad we got out, but we still need to convince them where innocent"

"I know, but for know let's just rest" I whispered.

My eye life almost giving up. Taurtis pulled me closer to him and played with my hair.

I turned around to face him. "I love you" I kissed him.

"I love you too" he got on top of me but that's as far as we got. We're both tried and need some sleep so that's what we did.

We sleep in each other's arms.

Happy that where free for now.

And I had a feeling, this was just the beginning.  

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