Chapter 17 ~ Killing Boredom

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Edge's POV

'I don't get it, what's wrong with everyone? The human has been here for just a day and the others are already acting stranger than usual.' I thought as I lied on my bed, facing the ceiling. But then I remembered what I've dreamt about. 'Why the fuck would I dream of the kid riding with Nightmare on a giant rubber duck?! Am I already going crazy like the others?!' I was literally confused by all that had happened.

Suddenly heard I a knock on my door. "who's there?" I asked, trying to get a joke out of it, but I got no answer. Cursing under my breath, I got off my bed and walked towards it. I opened it only slighty, expecting to see a Nightmare Papyrus, but no one was there. I growled out the door, "is this a fuckin' prank?" I opened the door a little bit further so I could look around the corridor. It looked like no one has left any signs of walking past, there weren't even footprints. I glared over every part of the corridor until I just gave up and closed the door. I was about to walk back to my bed when there was another knock coming from the door. Groaning, I ran toward the door and practically slammed it open. No one was there. My left eye started to twitch in anger. "are you serious?! who's there?! show yourself!" As soon as I said that, a low chuckle was heard from above me. Enraged, I looked up at the jerk who dared to annoy me. It was that cloaked bastard again. He was standing on the wall above my room door, probably was he knocking from up there. I growled at him, "what the fuck do you want?" The guy seemed amused by my expression.

"Oh, nothing. I am just here to tell you that Horror is currently in the lead," I gave him a 'What-the'fuck?'-look. "and I wanted to alarm you that the Star Sanses have found new information on your 'pet's SOUL trait, but so does Nightmare. However, that information is quite... how can I say this in nice words... memorable, in a way I mean."

"and how does this apply to me? are you saying i'm supposed get that information from nightmare or what?" I snarled at him. The cloaked bastard then started to laugh, making me feel more irritated.

"Not at all! This option is up to you, but I would not recommend asking for this kind of information unless you would like to end your miserable life." He said as his laughter was slowly replaced with a taunting smirk. My left eye started to twitch in anger again. 'How dare he say my life is miserable--?!' "Because it is." I froze. 'Did he just--' "Read your thoughts? No, I did not, I simply looked over this book's script."No matter what that guy was talking about, it sounded weird as fuck. And it seemed as if he was reading my thoughts again because his smirk grew. "By the way, this might shock you but Chara and Cross just recently found your secret chocolate stash." My eye sockets widened. "And they seemed to have quite enjoyed all those tasteful sweets."

"THEY WHAT?!" I roared out, furious at Cross now. First stole Horror my chocolate bar and gave it the fuckin' kid and now was my whole stash gone?! The cloaked bastard then jumped off the wall with a flip, making my anger rise even further. That guy was a fucking poser. He turned around to face me with a smirk as I summoned five sharp bones around him in defense. He just continued to keep his stupid smirk. 'Heh, I'll wipe that stupid grin of yours of your face.' However, as my attacks were about to hit him, he vanished. I looked around me, in the corridor and in my room where he had gone to. Eventually have I come to the conclusion that he was gone for now. I sighed in relief before I remembered what he had said.

"MY CHOCOLATE!" And with that, I teleported over to the living room. Little did I know that I forgot to lock or even close my room's door.

Author's POV

You felt relieved after you finally had time to use a toilet. Dust and Killer decided to not teleport with you to the cells since it still could cause your SOUL damage. Killer then remembered something.

"say pet, could we inspect your SOUL for a second?" He asked as Dust thought for a moment before nodding in agreement, leaving you in confusion.

"Um... O-Okay?" Dust then started to carefully summon your SOUL in front of your chest. It didn't look as damaged as it was yesterday, it only had a few cracks around the edges, which didn't go as deep into the middle anymore. Though, it was still as dull as before. Dust looked at your SOUL in shock while Killer seemed to be amazed. Right, they have never seen your SOUL before, they had only heard some rumors going around the castle's corridors from the Nightmare Papyruses that your SOUL wasn't a very common one. While Killer was amazed at the color of your SOUL was Dust more concerned due to the small cracks running along the edges, he didn't know that your SOUL's color was also effected and wasn't supposed to look so dull.

"i think we should get error to inspect your SOUL for a bit." Dust said with a frown. You just tilted your head.

"B-But h-he already i-inspected it y-yesterday." Dust raised a bonebrow as he let out an 'Oh?', you then continued. "E-Error was s-supposed to find out h-how I-I react to certain th-things and people."

"aNd I wIlL CoNtInUe dOiNg ThAt," A glitched spoke from behind you, making you all stop walking and turn around to face the black skeleton. "jUsT HaNd mE HeR oVeR AnD lEt Me dO My jOb."

Killer crossed his arms, "no." Error chuckled at him.

"I tHiNk YoU dIdN't HeAr mE RiGhT, tHaT WaSn'T a QuEsTiOn, iT WaS aN OrDeR. nIgHtMaRe WaS tHe OnE wHo AsSiGnEd mE To dO ThIs--" "then we're just taking over your work and see how she reacts, so nightmare will be happy, you'd have your time off and we won't be bored for today. sounds good?" Dust cut him off.

Error gave them an 'I-ain't-dumb.'-look before sighing in defeat. "fInE, BuT oNlY ThIs oNcE. If i EvEn fInD A sCrAtCh On hEr ArE yOu DeAd, cApIcHe?" Dust and Killer then saluted in joking manner, then both yelled out a 'YES SIR!', making Error glare at them while you just looked at them eye-wide. The second in command then teleported off somewhere.

"so," Killer started. "what now? are we gonna finish his job or...?" Dust lighty shook his head as he chuckled.

"nah. besides, let's have some fun with our pet first by killing some boredom. error only told us to not harm her, so i've got an idea. how about hide and seek?" Killer grinned at his idea as you innocently smiled.

"Let's play hide and seek then!"

[Published: 6/29/17]

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