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november 27, 1998.

and i finally snapped.

i can't stand having
an absurd psychopath
inside my house,
singing me to sleep
every night.

ㅡit's 3 am.

and i heard the same noises
in the living room

i've studied her pattern.

took note of every move.

every sound.

every footstep.

that's when i had decided
to load the gun
i hid underneath my pillow.
astra A-60, pistol.

you can't wash away
a sin with another sin.
that's what they always say.

but i think she deserves to die,
even if that means that
my hands will be as dirty
as hers.

as always expected,
she stood in front of me.
maybe unaware of what
i was planning to do.

i brought out the gun
from my back and
aimed it at her head.

i need to kill her
right where i see her.

right now is a do or die.

if i don't shoot her right now,
then i'll be giving her the chance
to kill me.

my hands were shaking,
but my cold fingers
managed to pull
the trigger.

i shot her for sure.

i guess she tried to shoot me too.
fortunately i wasn't hurt,

but that stupid mirror broke.


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