Chapter 2

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Cameron's p.o.v
"Stop" I mumbled as Sophia leaned in to kiss me again.

God if Kadie ever found out about this.

I don't even know why I cheated I love Kadie so much she's my everything. I let out a little laugh shaking my head. Pathetic. I don't even have a valid reason as to why I cheated.

"You should go" I told Sophia. She nodded her head "One more kiss" she demanded. As she leaned in I heard the sound of glass smashing.

I jumped a bit looking towards the door. And in that moment I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me, that would be a lot less painful than looking at Kadies' beautiful face filled with sadness. She looked so hurt and broken and that's my fault. All my fault.

I did this to her. I knew I would get caught out.

The first girl I've ever fallen in love with, the girl who has heart. And I ruined it. Fuck.

"Kadie I can expl-" I started to at least try to defend myself even though I was completely in the wrong, but she cut me off "Save it" she said her voice was shaky.

She took two steps back and turned walking away. I wanted to go after her.I wanted to explain or to at least try.

But I knew I couldn't.

"WHAT THE HELL CAMERON?" Taylor yelled.

I looked down at the ground. What could I say? How could I even begin to explain what they just witnessed?

I deserved what I got from all of the boys, I got myself into this situation.

"You're such a jerk Cameron!" Matt spoke next.

Don't I know it. I thought to myself.

I sighed and looked at all of them. All of them looked angry except for Nash?
He looked disappointed but hell that was worse so much more worse than anger. I would rather him be angry.

"She's like a little sister to all of us Cameron, damn it how could you do that to her?"Carter said.

I got a sick feeling in my stomach this whole situation was really hitting me now.

"You just broke her, you know that right" Shawn was next to speak.

I nodded my head feeling tears gather in my eyes.

Sophia got off the bed and walked closer to me. She tried to put her arms around me, but I pulled away. I was as disgusted with her, nearly as much as I was with myself.

"Don't talk to him like that..He doesn't need a little bitch like her as his girlfriend, Cameron needs a woman like me who can take care of him." Sophia tried to defend me but she just made it worse.

I looked at her and I raised both of my eyebrows. What the hell was she talking about?

This bitch is Cray Cray.


Oh shit, you know it's serious when Shawn starts to swear.

All the boys looked shocked but they quickly nodded their heads agreeing. Nash was still silent his gaze remained on me.

Sophia scoffed at his words.

"Baby your not gonna let them talk to me like that are you?"

I just shook my head watching as she smirked thinking I was gonna defend her. "Leave" I said sternly looking at her.

She looked at me for a minute losing the smirk. When she realised I was in fact talking to her she squealed angrily stomping her foot like a child throwing a tantrum, before grabbing her clothes and walking out.

Well damn

Thanks for reading 😘❤️😍

Nash Griers sister (Cameron Dallas fan fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang