Breaking Through (Part II)

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Inside the empty room,

Is a life so hollow and gloom

He's attached to those 4 walls

Lying awake feeling the pain as he bawls

Each tear a drop of strength goes too

Leaving him half of a whole, as nothing grew

A crack began to open inside the lifeless walls

A bright light beams through, beckoning him as it calls

"Come to me. Come here to the light"

"Awaken in eternal happiness, don't put up a fight"

He walks to the crack, places his hand in the rays

Feeling the warmth of purity, bringing good to his dark days

He closes his eyes and starts to embrace

The feeling of pleasure and joy fills his face

He opens his eyes, looking to the small crack

He clenches his fists, ready to hold nothing back

With one swift punch he plunges his fist through the wall

Ripping out the pieces, while the light continues to call

He smashes his fists in, thinking about what he saw

He stops and looks into the growing hole, and gazes in awe

The pure bliss, captured him so he didn't know what to do

He felt the goodness inside, as he began breaking through

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