.:Chapter 12:.

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((Hi, uh, quick thing! I'm going to have the Halloween party take place on the same day as the last chapter... Okay? You're also going to get to choose your own costume! Just thought I'd let you guys know! Okay, onto the story! Sorry this is kinda rushed but... LIFE.))

To (Y/N)'s surprise, Mr. Reyes and the students in the auditorium were gone, which made the, assume that play rehearsals had ended. "Oh..." Beside them, their SQUIP stood, a drifting expression on his face, as if he had nothing to say or think. (Y/N) looked back at him, a hopeful look on their face. "Is there any chance I might catch a ride home," they asked aloud. He took a second to process what they said, and then blushed, shaking his head. 'No, and your mother's busy with work.' They sighed, and exited the room.

"Anything exciting going to happen this week," they asked, as they made their way to the end of an empty hall. He nodded. 'Jake is going to have a Halloween party. He invited you earlier, remember," he replied. They looked at him, confused. "Wait, what?" He repeated himself, (Y/N) still looking confused. "Wait, so that means... I've got only a couple hours to choose an outfit?!" They exclaimed, receiving a weird look from a student who'd just walked out of the bathroom. SQUIP glared at them slightly, before looking back at the panicking (guy/gal/non-binary pal) with a half- smile. 'It just means that you get to choose one of your favourite cosplays,' he reassured, putting a hand on their shoulder. They tensed up at first, but relaxed.

Opening the entrance door, they blinked a little to get their eyes used to the sun. "You know, for it to be fall it sure looks like summer," they mumbled. He nodded in agreement, and the two walked out.

((Our first time skip! Wowie! Okay, time skip to home because no one wants to read about someone walking! :3))

(Y/N) opened their front door, a little sweaty. Okay, a LOT. "I hate the sun sometimes..." Their SQUIP just shrugged. 'I can see why. You look like you've gone through hell,' he joked. They turned their head to him, glaring. They took a deep breath and then smiled. "Glad to know you've gained a sense of humour, but... We're gonna fight." He put his hands up in surrender and followed them to their room. They opened their closet and smiled. "This might be more fun than I first thought," they said, with a happier attitude. He smirked, and sat on their bed.

After about an hour of searching for the pieces of clothing and accessories that went with her costume, (Y/N) had found everything they had for their (Favourite character I guess) costume. "I haven't worn this cosplay in forever! I'm surprised it hasn't gathered dust!" they said, giggling afterwards. He smiled, and rested his head on a pillow beside him. 'They have such a cute laugh...' he muttered under his breath, hoping they wouldn't hear. Oh, but they heard. As he lay down, he didn't notice the blush making its way to his face. He didn't seem to notice that they was blushing too.

A couple minutes later, (Y/N) came out of the bathroom, fully dressed in their costume; (hair/wig) and makeup done. "How much time do I have before the party starts again?" He lifted his head, and pulled up a screen, making it disappear quickly after. 'About twenty minutes.' They grinned. "Which gives me plenty of time to wait for my phone to finish charging, and grab a snack. Costume hunting really does make you hungry after a while..." they said, their words trailing off. They shrugged, and headed for the kitchen, where they snatched up a hot pocket, heated it up and began eating, an excessive amount of napkins protecting them from getting grease on their outfit.

SQUIP looked at them confused. 'I don't believe you need that many napkins, but whatever.' They finished the hot pocket quickly, throwing away the seventy- five different ((fronts XD)) napkins, and then booked it back to their room. Seeing that their phone was fully charged, they unplugged the charger. Their mom came home, not long after, which made them sigh loudly in relief. "Yay, I don't have to leave without my mom knowing," they exclaimed. After exchanging a few words, their mother allowed them to go to Jake's party, despite it being such short notice.

The two left the house, and drove to the party, to see everyone with a red solo cup filled to the top with some sort of beer or liquor. (Y/N) looked around and noticed that Jeremy wasn't there yet. "Ah..." they said quietly to their self, a little sad at the thought of him not coming at all. SQUIP noticed this, and cleared his throat. 'He'll be here a little bit later,' he reassured them. They smiled. "Thanks," they thought to him. He smiled back, even though he knew he didn't want to.

There was already a bunch of kids there. Jake was there in a Prince costume, Brooke was there as a 'Sexy dog' or whatever, Chloe was a baby, and Jenna was dressed as a creepy clown. There was some other kid there, but no one could tell who it was due to them wearing a costume covered in a bunch of trash and recycled stuff. SQUIP looked at the costume suspiciously, trying to analyze who might be in it. He shrugged it off, and looked around at the tipsy students, one already on their butt drunk. They walked over to a table which held all of the snacks. There was pot brownies, homemade punch that didn't look right, beer, and vodka. There were also cookies, but after seeing that there were pot brownies, they didn't want to trust any of the stuff. They walked away from the suspicious table, and kept looking around for Jeremy. Instead, they were met with Jake, who was already drinking heavily. "Oh, hey (Y/N)! Thanks for coming," he said, slightly slurring his words.

They didn't answer immediately. Instead they were looking at his costume, which alone did't make much sense. "Uh... Who are you supposed to be," they asked. He looked down at his costume, and realized what they'd asked. "Oh, I'm Prince. Christine is going to be a Princess, which I don't understand. Prince is a dude, but whatever." They just stood there, confused with him. "She might have meant a prince and princess from the Renaissance era, but whatever..." they thought.

Jake finished whatever was in the red plastic cup he was holding, and then took a look at their costume. "So... What are- are you s'posed to be?" he asked; Well... Slurred. (Y/N) cleared their throat, and looked at him with a 'really' expression. "I'm (F/C)," they responded proudly. "Oh. Well, where'd you buy such an awesome costume? It looks really cool." They frowned. "I made this costume myself, with my own materials and old clothing." Jake oh-d, and then threw his plastic cup on the floor, before leaving them alone.

"Great host.." (Y/N) said to their self . Suddenly, the two noticed Christine walk over to Jake in a Renessaince fashion princess outfit. "Like I thought..." they thought. "Hey... You've been really quiet. Something on your mind?" they thought to their SQUIP in a worried manner. SQUIP looked at them, realizing that he had been more quiet than normal. 'Oh—' he started, becoming interrupted by Jeremy entering the room, and (Y/N) smiling sweetly.

Jeremy walked over to Brooke in a cyborg costume, something of which confused them slightly, because they didn't think his SQUIP would even allow him go anywhere near that costume. (Y/N)'s happy expression disappeared and they tensed up at the sight of the two conversing. SQUIP noticed this and put a hand on their shoulder. "Hey, don't worry about him tonight. Everyone is going to be partying, so they'll be doing things they might regret. Just- have a good time tonight, 'kay?' he assured them. They relaxed and smiled at him.

Jeremy walked away from Brooke and inspected the 'snacks', only to walk away from them and towards (Y/N). He smiled and greeted them with a wave. "Hi, Jeremy," they said in return. "Hey. How's it been since you've got your SQUIP," he asked. "It's been pretty good. You," they replied. He shrugged. "It's been pretty good. Still having a bit of trouble getting Christine to like me." They gave him a look of sympathy before responding. "Oh, well... Hope things go well tonight," they said before walking away to a corner of room.

"This doesn't feel entirely... Right," thought the (guy/gal/non-binary pal). Their SQUIP's eyes lit up almost instantly. "Really? Th- that's a shame," he replied, trying not to show his relief. "I just... Jeremy's been acting much more different since he got his SQUIP... Maybe I shouldn't have taken the upgrade. Can... Can I talk to Michael, please?" they explained. He nodded his head, and deactivated the Optic Nerve Blocking.

It was then they realized that the person in the literal trash costume was Michael. They were going to walk over, but noticed Jeremy being led up the stairs by Chloe. They took a deep breath, and looked between the two. Straining their wants and needs, they walked after Jeremy. They saw them walk into a room, and close the door behind them. They walked up, and knocked on the door. "Jeremy? Chloe? I saw you guys go in here.." they said, and Chloe opened the door not long after, a smirk on her face. "Oh, good. Come on in, (Y/N)..." she replied in a seductive voice. They walked in, a look of horror on SQUIP's face as he realized what was happening.

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