Leaving the group

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After we successfully got Beth from the hospital I had a massive decision to make. Keep Meg and I with the group or go our separate way. I can keep her safe better on my own without any of the distractions from the others. I'll need to talk it over with Megan before I make any rash decisions.

Looking around I see each person with another, whether that is a family member like Maggie and Beth who have been reunited or Rick and Carl looking over baby Judith.

Meg's head is resting on my lap with my hand in her hair gently stroking. "Daddy?" I hear Meg whisper to me. I look down at her and see her baby blue eyes looking at me from my lap. "Yeah sweetie" I whisper back, kissing her forehead.

"Are we going to stay here?" she asks still looking at me. I pick her up and sit her on my lap. "We need to discuss that. Do you want to stay here?" I ask her unsure of what she is thinking.

"Honestly" she whispers in my ear. Looking at her I nod.

"I want to leave" she says quietly I almost miss what she said. She's looking down at her lap as if I would be angry at her.

"Come here" I say standing up and taking her hand and walking into the woods further away from the group.

"Why do you want to leave?" I ask her kneeling down to her level

"No one cares for me other than you. Carol has Sophia, Rick has Carl and Judith, Maggie has Beth and Glenn and Michonne has Rick, we'd be better on our own" she says shrugging.

"Okay then, we'll begin to get ready to leave. Maybe 3 or days" I say kissing her cheek.

"Okay daddy, I start gather lots of stuff for us, like leaves and sticks" she says smiling

"Meg, what do we need the leaves for?" I ask smiling feeling better that she is smiling more.

"There for the little feathers on the arrows" she says smiling up at me. I shake my head and pick her up into my arms

"We don't need the leaves you can leaf them" I say laughing as Meg giggles.


"Rick, we need to talk" I say to him as Michonne cuddles under his arm. "Can it wait, Judith will need feeding soon" He says getting a bottle ready. "Sure" I say walking away with a frown. I look up to see Meg shaking her head and pointing in Rick's direction. Nodding I turn back.

"Actually it can't wait, we need to talk" I say emphasising the word can't. Nodding he passes the bottle to Michonne and kisses her cheek.

"What's the matter" he says wiping his hands on his trousers. "Um, Meg and I are leaving the group" I say in one mouthful. Rick looks to me with wide eyes " wh-what?, why?" he stutterers out

"We have decided that it would be best for both of us to go our own way" I say standing my ground

"But, what about Judith, Carl and Beth. Who's going to get food for them" Rick says looking bewildered. "Being fed, that's your job. You're their father and Beth is an adult and can look after herself. Meg deserves a father who is always available for her not having to look after other people's problems because they don't want to." I say getting all the problems out of my system.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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