Talk to me

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Stiles walked into Derek's loft knowing he was going to be chastised for being late.

"Stiles, there you are." Scott huffed with relief. "I was just about to call you."

Stiles shifted nervously. "Sorry, I lost track of time."

Stiles braced for Derek's lashing. Derek didn't like for anyone to be late to the pack meetings.

"Stiles." Derek started.

Here we go. Stiles thought turning to the alpha.

"Are you alright? You look like you haven't slept in a week." Derek frowned at Stiles.

Stiles raised his brows and narrowed his eyes. Was Derek showing concern for him?

"I'm fine." Stiles waved his hand dismissively. He hadn't told anyone about his conversation with Deaton and he didn't plan to. However, Derek was the alpha and despite Stiles being human, Derek was in tune with his pack, Stiles included. He knew he couldn't lie to Derek but that didn't stop him from trying.

Stiles waited for Derek to call him out but he didn't.

"Let's get started then." Derek motioned towards a table with a map on it.

"Isaac said he saw a few omegas over here yesterday." Derek pointed to a spot on the map.

"So what?" Stiles didn't understand the importance of a few stray wolves passing through.

"I went to investigate. I wanted to see why they were here, but when I got there, they were all dead." Derek crossed his arms, a frown covering his features.

"The Argents probably got to them." Scott shrugged looking to Allison for assurance.

"That's just it, there was no blood, no wounds, not even signs of a struggle." Derek shook his head.

Allison looked down at the map. "My dad hasn't been out since what happened with Gerard."

"So what do you think caused it?" Isaac asked no one in particular his hands shoved deep in the pockets of his jeans.

"I called Melissa-"

Scott's head shot up to look at Derek. "You called my mom? Why?"

"She came to inspect the bodies before I called the cops to have them collected. She doesn't know what could have caused their death. So I called Stilinski." Derek glanced at Stiles, waiting for a reaction.

"What did he say?" Stiles asked calmly.

"He agreed there was no struggle. The best we can do is wait for an autopsy. Melissa assured me she'd call me as soon as she heard anything." Derek answered.

"Why didn't you call Deaton?" Lydia spoke up for the first time.

"He went out of town yesterday afternoon." Stiles answered looking at the map.

"Exactly." Derek nodded.

Scott frowned at his best friend. "How did you know that?"

Stiles' heart rate sped up surely giving away his nerves. "Oh, I had a question about Mountain ash. I caught him on his way out." Stiles lied. He hadn't asked him about Mountain ash at all but about a recurring dream he'd been having.

Scott only nodded not giving away if he believed Stiles or not. The look on Derek's face, however, showed he knew Stiles was lying.

Derek's brow furrowed as he looked at Stiles.

Stiles swallowed hard trying to avoid eye contact with the alpha.

"So what do we do?" Isaac bit his bottom lip as his eyes scanned over the pack.

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