Agent Zero

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Agent Zero's P.O.V

My agency uses the front of bodyguard, but we are actually spies. Don't get me wrong we are bodyguards too but only to throw people off. This month it is my turn to be a bodyguard and I haven't been assigned a person or venue yet. I'm getting ready for my last mission before I am told about who I am to be guarding. I head to the underground shooting range to make sure that my guns are working. (See picture above)

As soon as I'm done I go to change my appearance because when I'm undercover I can't be caught.

I walk up to a mirror and use the makeup and wig that were given to me. Strangely, I like exactly like Momo from Twice afterwards.

I think Momo would make a good spy, as she is a good dancer, and if you can dance you can be a spy.

3 Hours Later

I'm waiting in a ventilation shaft, for my target to walk by...

As my target walks by I accidentally sneeze. My cover is blown and I jump out and take on my target.  But I'm....

Shot in the arm. Damn. It hurts but I can't let my target go, so I knock him out and cuff him then throw him in front of a police station.

I walk to the nearest hospital, hiding my guns first. As I walk in, many people gasp and whisper about me, "but I'm laughing because I'm not who they think I am," I am not the Momo they talk about.

Someone snaps a picture but I don't care. I keep walking but my legs can't hold me anymore as a lot of my blood is dripping behind me, I fall to the ground listening to everyone yelling either ,"someone get her to the emergency room!" Or "Momo oh my gosh!"

I lose consciousness fast.

2 weeks later...

I wake up to an annoying beeping. I sit up and see I'm not in the clothes I was in earlier, I was in a hospital gown. My makeup and wig gone.

I turn on the tv to see that I was in a coma for 2 weeks and I was late to my guarding job.

I look over to see my clothes were there... as I reach out to grab them the door opens and in walks the doctor.

"Who are you? There is nothing about you or anyone who looks like in on the government database, the cops can't even find out who you are, it's like you don't exist," he said with a look of curiosity. I had to choices knock him out and run or tell him a lie that will make him leave the room.

Of course I didn't want to hit the poor guy so I told him a little white lie,"I-I don't remember" I say with fake tears starting to fall down my cheeks, "I don't know who I am," I say as I slowly look up at him.

I see the sympathy in his eyes before he says,"stay here one second, I shouldn't do this but you look like you need some tea," as he left I kind of wanted to stay due to the fact that I love tea but I had to leave and quickly.

I took off my gown and put my clothes on quickly then went to the window railing and slowly climbed down the building.

As soon as I was down, I headed straight for the agency.

I was told that since I was late, the contract got more strict. Great. If the people I am going to guard find out I am guarding them then I am fired from both jobs?! Just great.

So I'm going under cover, as an Idol...


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