Chapter 7 - Some sexual attention.

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The morning that followed was better than yesterday. Kyle was back to his normal self. It was as if yesterday didn't happen at all.

I had made breakfast and Kyle and Teddy ate every single last bit of it commenting at my chef skills. The conversation was normal until my mother brought up last night.

"I heard movement last night." She said, biting her bacon. Her eyes staring straight at me as if she knew exactly what happened.

I tried not to blush as I swallowed what I was eating, but my ears were already burning. Kyle on the other hand stared fixated at his plate, remaining ignorant. I cleared my throat in order to make a plausible excuse.

"I needed to use the hallway bathroom so—" I stopped abruptly because my words were being echoed by Kyle's own sentence as he mentioned that he'd gone to use the bathroom in the middle of the night too.

We stared at each other and my parents had mirrored confused faces.

"So you both went to use the same bathroom?" My mother asked.

"Uh..." Kyle scratched the back of his neck.

"No, I went to use the bathroom. I don't know what Kyle was doing?" I stared him, trying to convey some warning. He just frowned at me.

"Right...whatever." Kelly rolled her eyes, obviously not believing me but choosing to ignore the issue anyway.

The conversation changed right then and there. We finished our breakfast and whilst my parents got ready to go shopping for the backyard garden since it was the beginning of spring and they were planning to trim and plant the garden to perfection, Kyle and I went in my room to do the usual.

"So, are you going back...?" I trailed my question but he knew what I was referring to.

Kyle shrugged. "My clothes are in his house, I have to." He explained, his tone was haunted.

"Do you want me to come?" I asked. "I mean, I don't know when Sav wants me to come over to her house but right now I can get the things I need for tonight...I have time."

He stared at me for a while. "You know you don't have to."

"Ky, you can't go back there alone." I protested.

"He might not be home," He shrugged.

I looked at him long and meaningfully.

"Fine, fine." Kyle held both of his hands up in defeat.

I changed my expression to one containing a satisfied grin.

"Good... I'm gonna take a shower." I told him as I went over to get my toiletries and a change of clothes since there was no way I was walking out of that shower naked. Even if I had a towel to cover my modesty, I didn't want what happened last time to repeat itself.

After taking a shower without any embarrassing incidences occurring, Kyle and I left my house and drove my car back to his house.

It took precisely twenty minutes and when we got there we found out that he was right when he'd said that son of an áss would not be home.

We took advantage of his absence and hung around. It wasn't as depressing as I anticipated since his presence wasn't there to make it depressing. I spent the next hour or so helping Kyle clean the house from all the bottles of alcohol. I scrubbed the bathroom, kitchen and he swept the living area. We managed to make the house look presentable.

For the next hours we did the usual. We watched movies, played on his Xbox—with me losing each time—and laughed each time I tried to crack a joke. It was safe to say that being comedian wasn't my calling.

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