not in my time

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Kira pov

I woke up to the faint sound of kagome's alarm clock going off in her room. I sighed heavily and slowly lifted up my blankets. You would think with dropping out of school I wouldn't have to get up at 6 in the morning, but no. Slowly climbing out of my bed I grabbed my pillow as I walked towards the my door. I slugged over to kagome's room and with out hesitation through the pillow that was clutched so tightly in my hand across the room. It landed perfectly on the floor after hit my sister in the head.

"what was that for" a sleepy kagome pushed out in an almost unhearable voice.

"your alarm clock waking my up" I said in a dull voice. "and buy the way your gonna be late"

I watched as kagome instantly sat up grabbing he clock then jumping out of bed. As she rushed to get her clothes I patiently walked over to her desk and took a set. Kagome buzzed around to get dressed and pack her school bag. Then suddenly she stopped and looked at me with pleading eyes and I instantly knew what she wanted.

"no" I said before she started talking, "I'm not inuyasha I'm not doing that."

"but please I'm going to be late" she begged

"no if u want a 'ride' to school call your lover boy not me it's a waste of my demon blood just to run you to school I don't even see why you still go"

"his not my lover boy! and I go to school so I can get to college and do something with my life"

"whatever you say little sis" I got up and walked out of the room with her following.

We went into the kitchen where mom gave kagome her lunch for the day. As sota and kagome left the house for school I made noddles then sat down an ate. As much as I love being home with my family these days are the worst. I'm always so bored with nothing exciting going on and no monsters to bet up. And unlike kagome I don't spend the day at school daydreaming about inuyasha.

After eating I slugged back to my room to get dressed. I might as well go for a walk. Just as I pulled on my shoes there was a loud sound out. Following the sound was a roar like that of a dragon.

Having no time to gather and ready all my weaponry I settled for my sword. I ran outside and saw down in the streets of Japan was a giant jet black dragon with blood red eyes. I took off in a sprint towards the humongous creature. As I reached it I leaped high into the air and pulled my sword back ready to plunge into it. The mighty beast flung it's arm up knocking me to the ground. I hit hard and rolled across the hard concert.

On one quick blink my eyes went from blue to red. Pain filled my body and when I looked up at the creature it turned into a man with shoulder length choppy jet black hair and bloody red eyes. The man walk in a cocky manor up to me. He stopped just inches from face and I looked up at the man. He squatted done and looked at me from where I lay on the ground.

"who are you and how did you get here" I ask in a ruff voice.

"oh Kira your still so young and have so much to learn. The sacred jewel isn't the only way through the well." he said in a very deep voice as he lifted up the chain around is neck to show dark dark green and red cristal. "this I is a nabosa Cristal with the power of time travel"

"and who are you" I asked as I glared at him our blood red eyes locking hard on each other.

"I'm of no importance but if you must know the names greger obis" as he said this he stood and took two steps back then turned back into a dragon.

He lifted his foot and just as it came back down right for me jumped up and plunged my sword into his foot.  As it came closer to the ground I pulled out my sword and jumped out of the way. Greger let out a loud roar of pain as his foot hit the ground.

We continued to fight slowly moving through the streets of Japan. Suddenly I realized we where headed right for the school. I jumped into the air and slashed my sword across the dragons face. I land back on the ground and went invisible. Charging towards him I planed to jump up and my sword into his heart, but just as my feet left to ground his tail swung across the air.  I was knocked down and went tumbling across the street.

"just because your invisible doesn't mean I can't see you" greger roared. 

Ignoring the pain in my body I jumped back to my feet and ran at him.  He brought his tail down to smash me, but I jumped up and used his tail to jump again.  I plugged my sword into his right eye then kicked off his face pulling my sword out as I flew and flipped through the air.  I landed perfectly on me feet just as greger lifted his black claw covered hand up to his bleeding eye. He stomped his feet in pain and swung his tail wildly in every direction. His tail came at me and I jumped up and came back down like a jump rope, but before I could react his tail came back. I flew off the street and into the side of a building. My back hit the building hard chattering the glass windows and bending the melt. After hitting the building I fell to the ground with enough force to crack the concert. I tried to stand but was in to much pain with several broken bones.   My breathing slowed and my vision turned dark and blurry. Just as everything fell into blackness I imagined sesshomaru appearing to stop the mighty beast greger..... Obis

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