Invasion of the Avengers worst nightmare part eight

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Tony watched as the Avengers worst nightmare came true, Loki, Mischief and their cat army were taking over the world before his very eyes. Mischief, Mystery, Midnight, Shadow, Darkness, Phantom,Venom, Viper, Ripper, Blade, Dagger, Claw, Snake eyes, Talon, and Leo had taken down the mortals with ease because no one would think of hurting these cute, innocent kitties. Loki and Mischief were winning the battle just as Jarvis predicted he would. Loki and Mischief toke the Avengers down ,Loki has won.


( Loki and Mischief have logged on )

( The Avengers have logged on )

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( Mystery, Midnight, Shadow, Darkness, Phantom,Venom, Viper, Ripper, Blade, Dagger, Claw, Snake eyes, Talon, and Leo have logged on )

Loki : we have won, me and my cat army are victorious

Tony : the war isn't over, you just won the battle* Tony has knocked out Loki and Mischief*

Mystery, Midnight, Shadow, Darkness, Phantom,Venom, Viper, Ripper, Blade, Dagger, Claw, Snake eyes, Talon, and Leo: Master Loki and Mischief? What do we do without Master Loki?

Mystery: We should go back home now

Midnight, Shadow, Darkness, Phantom,Venom, Viper, Ripper, Blade, Dagger, Claw, Snake eyes, Talon, and Leo: okay

( Mystery, Midnight, Shadow, Darkness, Phantom,Venom, Viper, Ripper, Blade, Dagger, Claw, Snake eyes, Talon, and Leo have logged off )

Loki and Mischief:* wakes up and punches Tony*

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