The Awakening

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Luna: I feel heavy. My head feels cloudy. I try to open my eyes and guess what they are heavy as well. I give up on trying to move and trying to open my eyes and just settle for trying to link my sister. I attempt to find my sister's link through my hazy brain and I feel something poking my face. I slowly pry open one eye and come face to face with the one in which I was trying to reach. I see the slight changes in her face that I remembered from the dream. I also feel the rawness of my throat where the BEB held me against my will. "Did you have a creepy, weird and disturbing dream?"

Serenity: " I was just waking you up to ask you the same thing. But look at what I carried over from our little shared nightmare."
Serenity raises her hand and concentrates on the warm feeling in the depth of her chest and slowly starts to feel it build and flow down her arm. The flame starts to appear only at her fingertips then starts to grow and travel up to her wrist. Within a couple of seconds her hand is a blaze now they are staring at the open flame in awe.

Nix: "Girls we are happy that you are awake and well. Now we must go to the mesa where everything started."

The girls jumped in surprise and Serenity throws the now fully formed flamed ball at the voice that disrupted there moment of interest. The girls turn to see that the fire ball has a burned a crisp hole in the bed side table they also notice that the voice was from nix. The look of shock and surprise turned into pure anger. Serenity stomped over to her companion and raised a finger towards her.

Luna: "Oh so you guys are happy that we are alive but where were you two when we were writhing in pain on this mesa you want us to return to huh?" I am seething mad at this point how could they have left us and just come back like nothing happened.

Serenity: The shock of Luna's outburst did nothing but fuel the growing anger inside of herself. " Yeah because we were under the impression that our guardians/protectors would have been there when we need then the most. We are not going anywhere with you. How can we even trust you now? If you would leave us in pain then I'm not sure when we can expect you to stay!"

Ellie: "We will explain all on the mesa, there is much to be said and explained. I know that you do not fully trust us any longer but I guarantee that once we explain you will understand and realize how hard it was for us to stay away."

Sharing a look of curiosity and seeing the sorrowful look of bewildering looks on their companion's faces they looked at each other and gave in.

Luna: "Ok fine we will go with you. Just so we can see if we can forgive you two. But first we have to go see mom and dad. Do you know how long we have been out?"

Ellie:"It has been a little over three months"

Shock instantly morphed over both of their faces, "MOM, DAD WHERE ARE YOU!" both girls scream out simultaneously. They then chuckle at their momentary twin moment.
Daniel: I hear my princesses calling for my mate and I. A huge smile spreads across my face. I look over at my mate and she is still sitting in the corner of our room looking very distraught. The girls have been out for three months they missed their eleventh birthday. The pack has been in an uproar because of their future alpha twins being out of commission. The twins run into the room, feeling their mom's sadness from the hallway. They burst through the doors and jumping on their mom. She looks over at me with shocked and watery eyes. Relief is what I feel so I join in on the hug and having them all in my arms instantly calms myself and my wolf. Our reunion is broken by both girls talking at the speed of light. The only words that I catch is aura, taller, powers, and mesa. They are practically screaming at the top of their lungs trying to get out whatever they are saying. "Slow Down One At A Time!"
Luna: "We had another shared dream but this one was real."

Daniel: "Dreams are not real sweetheart they just feel real because your subconscious makes it feel that way."
The twins share a look and Serenity nods her head at Luna to share their experience with their dad. There was something different about this dream and they knew that not feeling their parents would be a huge mistake. The couldn't tell why but they knew that what they "dreamed" was not a dream even if they were in a dream like state. There had to be a way that they could make him believe that they were telling the truth and that it was real. An unexplainable feeling passed over the girls and they start working on autopilot.

Luna: Recalling the events that happened last night. I grabbed my sister's hand and a warm feeling passes from her hand to mine while my contrastingly cold hand passes some of my cold to her. I placed my other hand on my dad's forehead and I see out of the corner of my eye that Serenity is doing the same thing. We both closed our eyes and focused on the shared nightmare that we had. I start to feel a surge of energy leave me so I focus on keeping that energy steady to ensure he has a clear visual of what happened to us.

Daniel: I see a focused look cross my girls' faces while they climb out of my mate's lap. They both take a deep breath and clasp their hands together. I can see a small amount of steam coming from their combined hands but I feel like I might be seeing things there would be no reason for that to happen. Before my mind is able to come back to the task at hand I feel on my left side Luna with a cool palm placed against my forehead and on my right my little Serenity with an almost too hot hand that sends an uncomfortable chill through me. A slowly growing energy passes through me causing my eyes to close and focus on it while it builds and forms a picture behind my eye lids. The picture is as if I'm watching the girls on a normal day. I see them noticing the differences that I saw when they walked in. I then start to feel what they felt. The frightening chill of the room that held one of the BEB. I clutch my hands at my side and a growl escapes my throat at seeing such an evil being this close to my pups. I feel his hands closing around my neck and the bruise forming from his tight grip. This scene has my wolf growling at the abuse of one of his pups even if we both knew it was just a dream. I then see something amazing I see flames coming from Serenity's hand and a huge fire ball being created to save her sister. Viewing this fireball leave her hand feeling the heat from it caused me to snap my eyes open quickly. This cut off the shared memory that the girls were providing to me. "How did you show that to me how were you able to share  such a vivid dream and how do you know about the BEB?" They stand there and look at me with confusion not knowing how they were able to do it themselves. They looked at each other and back to me not knowing how they did it. They look as if they were pushed out of a trance. As I am looking over my girls I see the slight differences from the dream and I can even see the still healing ring around Luna's neck. So the dream had to be real on some level or she choked herself in her sleep. I reach towards her neck to further assess the damage and I see nix and Ellie walk in out of the corner of my eye. Now that i am analyzing them I can also smell that their scent has changed... they smell like the moon that's peculiar.

Nix and Ellie:"We must head to the mesa and all will be explained that is the only safe place to reveal what we have to discuss. We must hurry time is not on our  side."

Nix's words fluttered through the mind link and faster than anyone could have imagined both parents grabbed a child and growled at their companions. Their eyes flickered colors indicating that their wolves were very much present and pissed off. Their stance was threatening and the guards came to block the escapee routes. Nix and Ellie knew this was going to be difficult but they didn't have the time to play with the king and queen along with their pack of guard wolves. They had mere moments before that little stunt of theirs alerted all of the wrong attention. The royal companions knew that what they were about to do could cost them even more trust than they have already lost with the family, but their trust was something that they could gain back. Their lives, that they could not gain back. Nix's eyes met Ellie's and they nodded and wind traveled around the room. The twister that was created moved the pack wolves, the king, the queen, and the twins to the base of the mesa.

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