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A/N: I do not take credit for any images above. They are simply added for visual purposes.


  He loved art with a burning passion.

  He loved the way it brought life to the simplest of things and how its interpretations varied by perspectives.

  Art was an everlasting story in a universal language. One he would happily take with him to his grave.

   Roaming the beautifully graffitied streets, he searched for similar artworks of the artist he had found the other day. If the rest of their art was the least bit alike to the first, he'd say he was addicted already.

"Come on, come on, " he murmured, looking past the sketchy individuals. But then he stopped in his tracks.

  It was as if the wall instantly cast a spell on him. Enticing was an absolute understatement for the enchanting painting.

  And of course, it had an inspiring meaning behind it too. "Those who read and educate themselves have a greater insight into life compared to those who don't."

  He didn't want to blink, afraid that if he did, the painting would disappear as if it were simply a dream.

  Either way, it was the best dream he had ever had and he never wanted to wake up.

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