2 - The Escape

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The young vampire escorted me to an elegant manor, surprising me with his royal treatment, which was completely unforeseen. Sensing my exhaustion, he kindly advised me to take some much-needed rest. Furthermore, we mustn't disregard the delectable feast that was graciously served to me. A warm and inviting smile adorned his face, yet, due to the circumstances, I couldn't help but entertain thoughts of wiping it off. It was difficult to accept his kindness and hospitality when I was well aware that I was here against my will. How could he have the audacity to treat me with such pleasantries? My mind raced with doubts and suspicion, questioning whether I was simply being paranoid or if there was a valid reason for my unease.

I was awaiting an abrupt assault or something from him, but nothing really occurred. For nearly two hours, I stayed in a room that was the length of a corridor, pacing back and forth. It contained a four-banner bed and a love seat, but I didn't use both as adrenaline continued to pump into my body.

Their baffling decision to abduct me leaves me perplexed, as my humble background and lack of physical prowess hardly make me an enticing target. Why set their sights on a vulnerable teenage girl such as myself? Even if it were for the purpose of being a mere possession, this surely isn't the way one treats a fellow human destined to become their slave. My mind runs wild with conjectures and uncertainties, burdening me like an impossibly heavy harness weighing down upon my thoughts.

While the minutes anxiously passed by, my uneasiness reached a breaking point, pushing me to make an impulsive choice. I leaped through the window, surprisingly discovering it wide open, and my mind did a happy dance, thinking I would finally be free. Little did I know that my split-second plan would lead to an unimaginable encounter. Because the moment my feet touched the solid ground, I found myself face to face with not just one or two, but five large vampire guards, two of whom were my initial captors. However, what made it even more bewildering was their exceptional attractiveness, as if they had been plucked straight out of a mesmerizing fantasy.

With the fakest grin spreading across my face and a hint of nervous anticipation patting my senses, I couldn't help but pose a question that strayed far beyond the boundaries of intelligence—a question so outlandishly silly that it could be crowned the epitome of moronic.

"Good day, folks! I'm currently in search of the post office. Would anyone happen to know where it is?"

Seriously, post office? Out of everything! I might have even asked for a dumb park, but no, I went for a mail center. That's how brilliant I am. I knew that my communication skills were not the best, but in that moment, I couldn't help but feel that I had made it painfully obvious to everyone around me. I mentally facepalmed, fully aware of the awkwardness of the situation. As I glanced at the guards, their perplexed expressions made it seem as if I had suddenly sprouted two heads and eventually returned me to 'HIM.' Although I struggled fiercely to break free from their firm grasp, my feeble attempts were no match for the strength of the five sturdy men who had firmly immobilized each of my limbs.

In the end, my own stupidity has put me in a complicated situation, bound to a pole in an unfamiliar room. This room, unlike the other one, was painted in an intriguing shade of green, had a minimalistic décor consisting of only a central beam and an occupied armchair. The occupant of the chair was engrossed in skimming a thick book, which confounded me due to its non-English text, likely in Latin. Despite my curiosity, I realized that acquiring knowledge about its contents would be of little use or relevance to my predicament, and truth be told, why would I even want to know what he was reading? It's none of my freaking concern.

Out of the blue, he started rambling.

"Huh?" I was so engrossed in my own contemplations that his words went unnoticed by my brain.

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