Chapter 27

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Hartwell had all the men assembled in a huge room within Shelby, confused all of them had waited to see what was going on. A few minutes later Derrick stepped into the room and motioned to Hartwell to start.

"I know all of you are wondering why we are here, the emperor and I thought it would be most prudent for us to have this meeting. All of you are the first of those that graduated from the advance classes that were started two weeks ago. At present you are the best that the rangers have to offer for their emperor's personal guard. That being said we are going to the emperor's first official visit of the upper nobles." Hartwell looked at Derrick who nodded and stepped up to take over.

"Though I'm not expecting trouble, after this first visit, I will be expecting nothing but trouble. Of the five upper nobles we are visiting Duke Risen last." There were several gasps and more than a few wide smiles, they had all heard about the attack that Risen and his forces had tried to perpetuate on the emperor when he first appeared.

A young corporal raised his hand a moment later though a little tentative the man still asked his question. "Sire I know that those after us are receiving longer training than we had. Will we be afforded the chance to train and improve? I feel confident but not enough; I don't feel I am as good as I can get to protect you."

Derrick leaned down and asked Hartwell something then straightened up to address the man. "I am so glad you asked that sergeant, as I am about your concern for mine and your safety." Derrick smiled when the man's face registered shock at being called sergeant then settled back and waited as Derrick continued.

"On board here we have a living A.I. her name is Shelby. Shelby dear, if you have a moment?" As a beautiful, blonde, green eyed, slender young woman appeared in front of those assembled the room grew deathly quiet. "Please introduce yourself." Derrick said to the young woman who was smiling at him and all there.

"Yes of course Derrick. Hello everyone my name is Shelby, I am the A.I. of this ship, well, of me. I have a full program of upgrades to help strengthen your speed and techniques. At any time if you have questions do not fail to ask, remember knowledge is power and the more power you have, the longer you stay alive." Shelby had relayed all of this with the sweetest of smiles putting almost all there at ease."

"Now then we are enroute to the first of the Nobles territories. As I said with the first I don't expect trouble 'til after we leave. Therefore I am going to afford you every chance to train. I have also included some virtual training to help you gain what you will need to know faster. Alright I wish us all luck and I will see you later today when we have started." Derrick turned and talked to Hartwell a moment.

"Greeson please come here a moment." Hartwell called to the young man who'd asked the question.

Greeson walked to the both of them and stopped in front of both men saluting at attention. "Yes sir?"

"The emperor wasn't kidding about your promotion sergeant, as of now you are to assist with all details of assignment and placement. You do know why you were promoted Greeson?" Hartwell asked the man.

"Uh no sir, though I do not feel I deserve it." Greeson replied.

Derrick smiled he was starting to like this young man more and more, "Son you were more concerned about the readiness of all of you than you were about yourself. That is what I expect of all who command for me. I was only too glad to reward you for this. Keep them safe sergeant and yourself as well."

"I will do my best sir but 'til I have better skills I feel I will fail you. I was on my way to start training now. Again I thank you for the promotion but as I said I don't feel I deserve it." The young man honestly said.

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