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And so, the Guardians returned to their beloved ship, the Milano. Most exhausted by the walk, they threw the bags in various places around the ramp's door. Gamora took Nebula to tie her up in the back hatch of the ship, Drax aimed for the kitchen, Peter was rummaging through his bag, and Charlie went straight for the tape deck.

Rocket went on all-fours to bounce up the cockpit stairs, happily yelling, "All right everyone let's get Baldy to Xandar and collect that bounty!" 

"He won't be that happy when he realizes its being split five ways," laughed Charlie softly. 

She leaned against it with her arm on the wall, her forehead pressing against her forearm. With her free hand, she hit the rewind button. She let it go every couple seconds to see if she had made it close to the start of the tape again. 

"I hate when he does that," grumbled Peter, approaching his girl. 

"Does what?" asked Charlie. 

Peter leaned his back against the tape deck. He squinted and peered up the cockpit stairs in clear resentment of the raccoon. 

"Oh, that," nodded Charlie. "Well, it's not like he's a bad pilot. And you get a break, so..."

"Still my ship," argued Peter. 

Charlie shrugged. "If you don't like it, then tell him. Or don't, because you know he's a little shit, so.."

Peter watched her continue to press the rewind button. He waited for another encouraging sentence, some more advice, or even for her to choose a side.

Charlie did none of those things. She continued to focus on the tape deck, seeming like the least of her worries was Peter's issue with not piloting his own ship.

Peter sighed and decided to not focus on it. She had other pressing matters, he knew, after a second to think about if it was really important to get mad over.

Instead, he opened the hatch to their bedroom and slipped in to change his clothes.

Charlie let out a quiet, "Aha!" when the radio began to play Lake Shore Drive. She felt a smile lift her features; there was no way she could be sad when she heard the careless and happy melody of Lake Shore Drive being blasted throughout the ship.

Groot's small formations of twigs extended and slid down her body. He hopped towards the window in the back of the ship. As Rocket lifted off from the platform, Groot hopped on the window and spread out his hands and feet, appalled by the view from the sky.

Charlie dropped to her hands and knees in front of the window, sticking her face through the hatch they called their bedroom. She saw Peter shirtless and digging around for a clean shirt.

"Nice view," she commented.

He saluted lazily.

"Left corner," she told him. "Clothes you never put away."

Peter dropped down and found a grey shirt. "What would I do without you?" he wondered. 

"I don't think you would have made it, honestly," she joked.

Peter hustled back to the ladder so Charlie wouldn't have to strain her neck too much. She was getting old, too. Their bones didn't go too long into physical activity without needing either a break or ice anymore. It was rather sad.

He climbed halfway up the ladder and let her sit back on her knees. He rested his face in the hands of lover's, closing his eyes in bliss when Charlie ran her thumbs up and down his stubble.

"That stuff about my father in there... Who does she think she is?" muttered Peter.

"Now it's getting to you," said Charlie. She was surprised at the delay.

Amongst the Stars // Peter Quill Where stories live. Discover now