Chap 14 (Horror stories)

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Black Hat brooded in his office, staring deeply into his tented fingers. However hard he tried, he simply found his mind to be in too great of a frenzy that he could not focus on his paperwork, but instead his attention diverted to the small knife on the wall which y/n had thrown at a fly during the job interview only slightly more than a week ago. Black Hat sighed and walked towards the small knife and pulled it out of the wall to inspect its details. The blade itself was sharp, cold, deadly, and precise.... Much like y/n herself.

"Arrrgghh, Whats with this... feeling, when I think of y/n, her laugh, her bloodlust and aggression, her fighting skills, and... the breakfast she made earlier.. WHATS WITH THIS UNBEARABLE HEAT WITHIN ME?!" His emotional thoughts made him morph his face into that of a tentacled beast, before composing himself to change back to normal. "D*mmit, if I don't get these feelings sorted out soon enough, I won't see the end of it..." He whispered in anguish to himself as he slipped the knife into his trench coat and left his office in a dramatic fashion, complete with the loud slamming of doors.

"Y/n? Are you in there?" Black hat knocked on the door of Y/n's room after dinner. "Yes, boss?" The door swiftly opened and Y/n's masked head peered out. "I.... need you in my office right this instant." Black Hat said with an emotionless expression, despite having his stomach in a twist (literally). "Aye, boss." Y/n responded nonchalantly and followed him down the long, empty, and unusually quiet hallway.

"Y/n, you don't have to be so stiff around me." Black Hat adjusted his top hat anxiously as they walked. "Oh, it's just that I'm used to being formal around my previous... superior." Y/n awkwardly turned to glance at the many paintings of Black Hat on the wall. "Well, I'm not your former superior, just feel free to be yourself around here." Black Hat replied as they finally reached the office, and he opened the door to let y/n enter first.

"So, um... I don't know... Just help me out with paperwork for the night." Black Hat coughed nervously as he closed the door behind them. "Sure thing, I felt I've worked out enough for today." Y/n stretched her arms and sat down in front of the large desk before starting work. For the next few minutes, Black hat and Y/n worked quietly, with him stealing glances at her at times. "Y/n's just a competent worker, that's all, she gets her work done quickly without any fuss like those idiots.. And she's skilled too..." Black Hat noted to himself as he grabbed a rubber stamp from his desk for one of his forms. As he pressed the stamp on the paper with a thud, he thought he saw Y/n flinch slightly. "What?" Black hat looked up. "N-nothing." Y/n immediately turned back to her stack of forms.

Black Hat let out a sigh. "Y/n, let's just talk!" He looked up abruptly. "About what, boss?" Y/n stared back at him, puzzled. "Well, just regular employee survey questions, what else?" Black Hat snapped, and took a deep breath to feel calm once more. "How is it like working here? And answer quickly!" He asked. "It's cool here, I have to say." Y/n responded with a small chuckle. "I wasn't so sure about this place at first, but... I got to spend more time here and, It's starting to grow on me." She absentmindedly spun the pen around in her fingers. "You gave me lodgings and a job when I first crashed here. I've yet to show my gratitude, so thank you." Y/n looked into Black hat's eyes with a firm yet warm intensity, and her unmasked lips shifted into a small smile. Black Hat felt his face redden rapidly and turned his chair to face the window. "Well, you did trespass into my domain, a-and you seemed pretty strong too..." Black Hat clutched his forehead and tried (futilely) to keep his cool.

"Are you ok, boss?" Y/n asked from behind. "Yes! Yes, I'm fine...." he muttered, and turned towards her. "I noticed how you've been opening up more towards the others, you've changed your initially aloof and creepy self." Black Hat said, somewhat genuinely, with a soft tone despite having a (slightly effective) poker face that made Y/n feel slightly tense on the inside. "Ok I need a good conversation starter...." His visible eye darted across the room till it fell on a painting hung nearby on the wall. It depicted Black hat's adventures centuries ago as he terrorised some small and superstitious townsfolk as an ominous legend.

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