Chapter 22- Million Reasons

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Does anyone else hate the 'I'll update when I get x votes and x comments.'

Like, shit bruh, you're asking a bit much since your writing is hella bad. 


Oh my god, insecuritiessss


Snow didn't want to ask. Every atom in her body willed her not to, but as she leaned on Abel's shoulder, she couldn't help it. 

"So. Brutus has a new beau?" 

Abel turned his head, then ran a hand through his tumbles of dark hair. "Yeah. Everybody in The Seven hates her. Especially Mavon- and he doesn't try to hide it at all." Abel winced, "Him and Brutus haven't been on good terms ever since you left. I don't blame him though." 

Snow shrugged, glaring at a girl who lingered around the bleachers where they sat. "Mavon's a good friend. I just think Brutus isn't man enough to face what he needs and not what he wants." 

Abel gave her a long look, letting out a breath of air. "It's the same for a lot of people." 

Snow waved a hand, "And easier for most." She spotted the thin form of Felix hurrying over the field, then the big brawn of Dominic, and then the twin movements of Cohen and Tanner who were lightly jogging over. 

Snow stood as soon as they neared, pulling them all in for hugs. The surprise at her touch was tangible, but Snow didn't care. Friends were something she had taken for granted, especially those that genuinely cared for her. 

They all sat down and Snow held a hand up. 

"I'm going to get straight to the point. I need all of your help." 

Dominic shifted closer, a kind, protective concern on his face. That was something she had missed. Especially when he reached out to her, grabbing her hand and setting his face with a determination that had her heart stopping. (A/N anyone else in love with Dom?)

"I'll do- we'll do anything we can." 

A smile formed on her face, so sad and trembling so much it might have just fallen off her face. "Thank you. Thank you so much." 


Mavon went into his brother's office, face already hard and posture stiff. He had never had any bad feelings towards his brother throughout his whole life, even when Brutus had yelled at him for things he didn't do. It just wasn't in Mavon's nature to hold a grudge. 

But right now, well, for a long while now, he resented his brother with a passion. 

Brutus sat at his desk, bottle of whiskey uncapped and nearly empty next to him- not even a glass in sight, so he must have been straight chugging the alcohol. He had been on a downward spiral- to anyone that knew him closely. 

Mavon winced inwardly as his brother downed the rest of the bottle, not even flinching at the amount he just swallowed. Brutus threw the bottle at the bin, hard, and it smashed all over the wall, pieces scattered on the floor. 

"Jeez Brutus, calm the fuck down" Mavon murmured, stepping back a bit. 

Brutus's angry gaze came to him instantly, "Don't you think that's what I'm trying to do? Why the fuck do you think I'm drinking so much alcohol?" 

Mavon rolled his eyes. "Because Snow is back and you're trying to cope with the guilt you feel at leaving her. You're such a fuckwit." 

A roar rattled through the room, and Brutus was on his feet, leaning across his desk with a snarl etched deep in his face. "Shut the fuck up, Mavon, you don't know what you're talking about." 

"I know more than you do." 

Brutus knew why she had left. He knew it was to protect Mavon, Dominic, Felix, Abel, Tanner and Cohen- but he didn't know she had also gone to protect him. If anything, his brother had more to lose than anyone. 

Except, he was a selfish man who had let his pride get in the way of his feelings. 

"Really? Then tell my why the fuck that whore is back." 

And just like that, any ounce of respect he had for his brother was gone. Mavon's fists clenched at his sides, fury surging through waves through him as he struggled to not go and punch the teeth out of his brother's mouth. 

"Don't. Call. Her. That." The words barely got out of his mouth, but they were filled with an anger that surprised Brutus  in his inebriated state. 

"Fine. What is she doing here anyway?" 

Mavon rolled his eyes. "Go and do your own digging, brother. I'm not your little slave." 

"As the head of The Seven, I order you to tell me." 

"She's here on a break. She got let off for a month, and is back to catch up with us." Mavon gritted his teeth, the only thing holding him back was Snow's plan, and needing to get her out. 

Brutus raised an eyebrow, "Well she's definitely catching up with Abel." 

Mavon growled, tired of Brutus's company already. "Why do you care? You've already moved on with that slut from the ball- so don't speak about 'catching up' or try to get in your little petty jabs because you're jealous and aren't happy with the choices you made." 

Mavon turned away from his brother, so angry at the person he had become. "You had your chance with her and you ruined it. And right now, I'm glad about that. Because you don't deserve her."


Ooh, little chapter because I skipped school today. 

Can ya'll pls tell me who you ship Snow with please. 

Because I don't know if I want to redeem Brutus and make them end game. 

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