Chapter Thirteen

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*Levi's Pov*


My heartbeat rang through my ears. My eyes burned like is been crying for ears on end. My throat was dry from the hunger. Everything ached.

“Leviathan, you need to control it!”

I ignored Henry's pleads.

I felt my fangs extract and I lowered my head to their neck. Some human. I didn't care about who they were, what they did in their lives, how they survived in this world. I didn't care about anything.

With my fangs in their throat, I released my venom into their blood stream. Their body went limb, but their heart still pumped blood.

“Leviathan, do you really want to become a monster!?”

Gasping, I let go of the human.

Everything hurts.

I can't control it.

The hunger. The thirst. The urge. It's all too much.

I was panting, trying to force air into my burning lungs. But I couldn't. No matter how hard I tried, air just wouldn't go into my lungs. I started to panic.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder I turned around. Henry...

I stood up and hugged him, tightly. With tears staining my cheeks, I cried.

He hugged back.

After a while, he pulled away from the hug. “I have to go... Victoria needs me, she's been sick for a while and she needs medicine. I just-”

“Just go,” I whispered.

I've killed before. I know that. I've killed both vampires and humans. Henry and Ezra have both taught me how to fight, how to kill. Henry was a soldier. Ezra is a commander.

Me... I'm just some gay vampire who can't handle a little heartbreak.

I miss Xenos... So much that it hurts.

What would he think of me right now? When he was around, I wouldn't hurt a fly. I couldn't. But now... I kill. I kill to forget. I've made enemies by killing certain people. I know I'm going to die. Sooner or later, a vampire seeking revenge will find me and kill me. I know that.

Is this what humans feel like? Knowing they're going to die and their life is just on some timer.

But everyone dies, sooner or later. Humans. Werewolves. Fairies. Elves. Demons. Angels. Vampires.

So what's wrong with speeding up the process a little bit? We'll all die anyway.

I took a deep breath. I need to calm down.

Walking like a zombie, I ended up to my house.

Mine. I was the closet to Xenos, so Henry decided the house we have all lived in, should be mine.

But Victoria didn't like that.

“What are you doing here?” asked Victoria as soon as I stepped in through the door.

“This is my house, human, leave me alone.” I replied, hoping she'd just walk away.

“I don't want you here, Leviathan, you kill innocent people! You're putting Henry and I in danger! Don't you think it's bad eno-”

I grabbed her by the throat and lifted her off the ground with ease.

“I said, to shut up. Henry isn't here to protect you right now.” I glared at her before throwing her across the room.

She groaned in pain.

I smirked, “Stop moaning like a little bitch and be useful for once.”

With that, I walked up the staircase to go to sleep. The only reason I haven't hurt Victoria (that bad) is because she's an inventer.

Half way up, I heard footsteps rushing towards me.

“You're just as bad as Xenos!”

I turned around just in time to grab her wrist. In her hand, was a knife.

She was going to kill me...

“W-what did you just say?” I asked Ezra.

She blinked her eyes rapidly. “Ah! I'm sorry! It's just-well you know...”

My eyes. Or Xenos' eyes. Hell, you could even call them Henry's. All of us have the same eyes anyway.

She pulled away, “I'm sorry. I don't know what got over me.”

I know. She sensed that monster within me. The monster that turned me into an even worse monster.

I forced a smile. “Heh, it's okay! I, um, I have an extra pair! Just help me up the steps and I should be fine!” I said, trying so hard to be happy.

She just nodded. Holding my hand, we walked up the steps to Xans room.

Once in the room, I started pacing. “That was close... too close!” I whisper-yelled.

She sighed, “I'm sorry!”

I stopped pacing and started to look for the extra pair of glasses. Opening up the suitcase, I couldn't find them. Instead, I found some contacts with the same effect. “I guess this'll be fine.” I walked to the bathroom that was connected to Xans room. Leaning against the sink, I put the contacts in.

Sighing, I walked out towards Ezra. She got up from sitting on the bed and stood in front of me. “I really didn't mean to call you that... it's... the eyes. I felt him, Leviathan. Since the last time I saw him, he attacked me, I guess... I felt... scared? I don't know...” she explained.

I sighing, “I know... the last memory you had of him, he attacked you. He forced Proxy blood in your veins. You may not have thought of that exact moment, but you definitely felt it. You have every right to be scared of me, Ezra.” I turned to face her. “After all, I am... Lord Xenos' First Proxy....” I said, my words were hollow, but inside... There was a storm.

Lord Xenos... The Lord who forgot his own kingdom. The Lord who no one knows his exact age. Ezra is only a few centuries old. I think she said somewhere in the early 1800's, she was bred.

That's how Masters work. They are born, not bitten.

She sat on the bed, slouching. “Um, you're probably wondering how I came here so fast... right?”

My eyes widened a bit. “Yeah, that was actually my first thought when you came here in literally a few seconds.” I sat next to her on the bed.

Hearing her gulp, I noticed her eyes wouldn't met mine. She stayed frozen, glaring at the wooden boards that made up Alexander's room.

After a few seconds, I came to the conclusion that she was deep in thought. Her mind was elsewhere.

“Ezra?” I called to her.

She just started sitting, her hands on her lap, eyes on floor, body still.

Clearing my throat, I called again to her. “Ezra!?”

Her head snapped to face me, her eyes were wide.

“Ah, yes! Um, I guess I should start from the beginning...”

I nodded, urging her to continue.

Thankfully she did.

So sorry for the really late update! My memory sucks, so I set an alarm to remind me when to update but my phone's been acting up lately! Again, I'm REALLY sorry

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