Transformation/ arriving at the temple

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"What the bloody hell was that?!" Keith and Drew simultaneously yelled as they were scared awake by the screams of someone being taken by the monster.

Large heavy steps are heard walking from one side of the village and are coming dangerously closer to our hut. Then just outside our shelter, the sounds of the footsteps stop. My gut twisted inside and my fists clenched tightly on my shirt. Slowly, blue flames danced around my hands and the tips of my ears, growing bigger and brighter. Keith swiftly and silently slipped from his bed and sat next to me in mine, holding my hand and his light magic flowed into me, calming me and my flames down.

The next second a very large fist swung through the hut, bringing the roof and everything with it in one sweep. When the debris cleared, there stood the demon. It's rotting skin with the snake and maggots eating their way through. It held something or someone in its giant paws. A little girl screamed and cried in its hands. My tail fuzzed with anger and fury when I finally realized that it was Emi.

"HEY!!" I yelled at it, my hate rising with every word I speak. "WHY YOU HAVE TO TAKE A LITTLE GIRL FOR, HUH!? PLAY WITH SOMEONE WHO CAN PUT UP MORE OF A FIGHT!"

It looks down at little Emi then back at me. It's red eyes grew in curiosity.

"Ohh yeah. I can put up a fight." I growled, my entire body bursting with flames. My eyes had a lock on his dark empty pits and only made me burn hotter.

"Kyrie, what the hell do you think you're doing!?''

"This bastard is gonna pay for taking a child. Who the hell does he think he is!?" I jumped full blast into the air and willed my flames into the shape of a sword, and cutting the monster from his shoulder across down his chest and sliced off his wrist, catching Emi on the way down.

Even though I have a sword of fire, the fire around my body only got larger and hasn't showed any sign of finishing out soon. Emi trembled in my arms and buried her face in my chest. All the villagers are now outside and throwing spears at the beast but they aren't doing damage. Emi wouldn't let me go and the demon was regenerating. The gigantic gash from where I cut him closed up and he grew another paw in a matter of seconds.

The demon stares down at me. He was only focused on me and grew a wicked smile. He laughed. He can feel my emotions and snared at me with his wicked rotting teeth, revealing the leftover bones from his previous victims who were unlucky enough to get caught, wedged in between his teeth.

"Blades of truth!"

Blades made from Keith's light magic impaled the enemy like nothing but to the demon, it felt like a small pinch on his stomach. He didn't even take his gaze away from mine when he held out his palm towards the guys and used a black magic spell that blew them back like it was nothing.

"Back the hell off!" I threatened beneath my growls. The sword vanishes and I held my hand out in front of me. Fire swirled and gathered into a sphere big as the 15 ft monster and I held it above me.

"Fire brilliance!" I threw the ball with all my might and power at it. My flame was to quick for it to react and sent him sliding backwards, steaming from the heat of my magic.

"Heheh. I have- I Have- I HAVE!!"

It's voice pierced my ear drums as he laughed and yelled at the top of his lungs in the tongue that I couldn't understand as it recovered from my attack.

"I will enjoy torturing YOU. Maybe I should cut out your tongue first? that way you won't be able to cry for your traitorous father!"

My father? What do you know about my father?!

"Hehe. Truth was never told? Hehehehehehehehehkyaaaaahahaaaa"

Shut up with your stupid laughter!!! I cut through the air and claw marks made of fire cut straight through his shoulder stomach and the right side of his arm and hip. Of course he regenerated but disappeared into a dark black mist. Leaving me holding Emi and the rest of the village in complete silence.

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