Chapter 2:Last day of school!

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*Alarm goes off*

I hit my alarm to keep it from making that annoying sound it makes. I stretch myself out and rub my eyes to remove any sleepy ness from them. I lay in bed just thinking​ about how my life would totally change once I get to LA. Who would I meet?. What will I do?. Will I make friends?. I move those thoughts aside, I get out of bed and I start to walk like a zombie to my bathroom. After showering I do my morning routine like any normal girl would do right? Anyways I get ready into my uniform and I do the regular make-up that I always do. Mascara and lip gloss. As for my hair, since yesterday before going to bed I did a fish braid on my hair. So all I really need to do is take the braids out. And done. My hair has like beach wave vibe going on, I like it(@masieldlc12 she knows what I'm talking about). OMG I just realized something! Moana hair! (If you guys are like "who the hell is Moana" she's the girl​ from the Disney movie "Moana", simple duh lol). And to top off my uniform I put on my mix of black and grey roshes.(look them up).

I head downstairs to be greeted by my mom and dad and Bella. I go to the table and eat my breakfast which was the cereal mini wheats and orange juice on the side. I check the time 7:00am, i  noticed that it's still early for me to pick up Masiel and Britney so I have another bowl of cereal. Then a third bowl. I woke up super hungry this morning. Which is weird because I never wake up this hungry before. I check the time once more and it's 8:00 so I quickly say bye to my parents and run towards my car. Since there isn't that much traffic dispate it's a Wednesday. I get to their house at 8:10 perfect timing cuz school starts at 8:30. And it takes me 15 minutes to get there to school. They run to the car and say "heeeeeey!" At the same time. And I said "yooooo". (I'm such a dude lol😂). "Omg thats my jam I said as I turn up the radio to reveal the song "hello" by Adele. I start singing out of nowhere.  After singing for 3 minutes the song ended. I didn't know that Britney was live streaming the whole entire thing. While Masiel video taping it so she can post it on Facebook. "Girl, u have a voice of an angel!" Said Britney. "Well I really don't sing like a professional would. Singing is one of my hobbies" I said.(fun fact about me I actually do sing but only​ when I'm bored. The only person to witness me sing is my friend Masiel aka @masieldlc12 so yea, back to the story). "Omg Kristin you're trending on Facebook cuz of the video I posted of u singing! Said an overly excited Masiel. "WHAT!?!" I said shocked and mostly confused while I was pulling over to see the video. Masiel handing me her phone to reveal the likes and the comments that are going wild. " OMG I have 5.5k likes!" I said excited. "Ok girls let's focus on school right now, we'll deal about this video later" I said. "Ok" said both Britney and masiel I'm unison. I parked the car in the parking lot and got out of the car. This day is gonna go by hella slow. Well at least it's the last day of school.

*After School*

School is out!!!!!!! Woohoo! Since today is my very last day in New York before I permanently live in LA. I decided to hang with my girlies at out favorite fro-yo place. We talked about how they'll get to visit and how I'll visit them. Basically vise versa. After we're done we head to my house so they can help me pack. I said hi to my parents and Bella and my Yorkie her name is cookie.(sorry that I didn't mention my dog Yorkie, it totally slipped my mind) . We head straight up to my room and start packing EVERYTHING into my suitcases. Since Bella is really attached to me I'm taking her to LA with me, while cookie stays with my mom and dad.

After we are done packing my entire room Masiel and Britney leave so they can get their rest for tomorrow, since they are leaving me at the airport along with my parents and cookie. I go down to eat dinner which was ceviche my favorite.(it's an Ecuadorian food. Look it up) after I'm done I head to my room and take a shower. Then my night routine. Same thing as every other girl in the world would do. No surprise there. I lay on my bed just thinking about my new life in LA. Wondering how living with my aunt Kathy will be like. The thing is I've gotten bored seeing the same stuff here in NY.  Not that I don't like being here I do I really do. I just need a different scenery for a while. I'm not staying there my whole life. I'm come back one day. It's just not right away. Maybe I'll come back when I finish college. I'll finish high school over in LA and same for college. Obviously​ my parents and my 2 besties will see me walking down the stage reserving my diploma for both high school and college. After me thinking about my somewhat new life in LA, I think about some few more things. But I wouldn't remember because the next thing I knew was out like a light.

Hey guys!!! Did u like the chapter?!? If u did comment share vote and follow. But... If u didn't comment share vote and follow. Lol either way you'll still have to do it. Oh and don't forget to read my other story "me and my besties life". See ya next time. Byeee 😝😝😝

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