Chapter 11: Time To Say Goodbye

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Aichi smiled as he rose up out of bed then he frowned as he realized it's that today was the day they went home. Kai walked in with a home made breakfast. He saw Aichi's troubled expression and frowned "What's wrong Aichi?" Aichi looked up at Kai "We go home today, but I don't want to leave." Kai smiled warmly "Hey listen to me, it's ok I like it here as well, but you have to think about your mom, Emi, Aichian, Kamui, and all your other friends. I know if I'd have a choice I'd go home where my friends and family are even though I would love to stay here." Aichi smiled at Kai "Hey they are your family and friends, and don't you ever forget that! I know that before you met me for the second time you didn't have a family, but when you met me that second time you started to gain one ,and even if you didn't know it everyone else did." Kai smiled as Aichi wrapped his arms around Kai's waist "I love you Kai-kun and I know everyone else does too." Scott smiled as he chimed in "You know he's right. Every single one of Aichi's family members and friends care dearly for you Kai. Even Kamui, he just doesn't show it. I know all of this, even with my short vacation there. I've seen it in their eyes. When they told me about you pushing them away I could tell they were hiding sadness. I also saw joy when they were talking about how you finally took them in as friends. I also see it everyday when I look into my son's eyes. They love you Kai. I love you like my own son, and I know Aichi loves you more than anyone in the world. I bet he'd do anything just to put a smile on your face." Kai smiled as he heard everything that Scott had said "Wow everyone thinks and loves me like that. I've never realized it." Aichi smiled as he set up straight "Well weather you believe it or not it's true Kai. I do love you more than anyone else in the world and I'd do anything to make you happy, even if it's putting on crazy costumes or working on my Vanguard skills just to get to your level. Heck I might have even joined Link Joker when you were trapped by them. I'd do anything for you, even if I gave up my life. I love you Kai and so does everyone else. I will always be by your side even in the darkest of times." Aichi could see tears coming from Kai's eyes "Aichi!" Kai leaned down and hugged Aichi tightly. Aichi smiled and hugged Kai back. Scott watched and smiled. "Well I'll go get the car. I have a few last things for us to do before you take off." Aichi smiled and gave his dad a thumbs up. Kai didn't hear Scott over his crying but smiled when he realized that everyone loved him and cared for him like he's family. His smile became brighter as he remembered how much Aichi said he loved him. Aichi lifted Kai's head and whipped his tears "Kai-kun it's okay to let your tears out. I know how much you've been through. I will always love you and I hope you know that." Kai smiled as he put his hands over Aichi's "I do Aichi and I won't ever forget it. Also where did your.... I mean our dad go?" Aichi smiled "He went to go get the car he has somethings planned before we go." Kai smiled "Oh well what are we waiting for let's go!" Aichi smiled as Kai grabbed his hand and headed down stairs to the car. When they got in the car Scott smiled and said "Ok get ready because...." Scott smiled and began singing "We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship!! Going-" Aichi stopped his dad from continuing by covering his mouth. Aichi smiled in a 'please stop' kind of way "Ok please just drive and leave the singing and songs to Aichian." Scott frowned "I thought it was great. Oh and don't forget you can sing to." Aichi shook his head "No I can't!" Kai smirked "Ok prove it sing something and let me here your voice." Aichi shook his head frantically "No it's embarrassing." Kai made a fake frown "But you said you'd do anything to make me happy Aichi. You lied to me!" Aichi sighed "I'm sorry Kai-kun, I'll sing for you." Kai smiled as he knew he won the battle. Aichi began singing a song he wrote (He sang the song that's beside the picture for this chapter. Sorry it's not in English.). Kai's eyes grew as he heard Aichi sing. After Aichi was done Kai smirked "I thought you said you couldn't sing?." Aichi whined "I can't." Kai shook his head "Yes you can, and you can't deny it." Aichi blushed "Can you sing Kai-kun?" Kai smiled "Yes." Aichi smiled "Will you sing for us then." Kai shook his head "Not right now but when we get to Japan I will, then we could write a duet." Aichi jumped up and down "Yay!" Kai smiled and pulled Aichi in his lap. Aichi smiled and let Kai play with his hair. After about 20 minutes of music they finally reached their destination. It was a fair. Aichi squealed as he saw the fair. He loved going to the fair. Scott smiled as he watched Aichi get on hundreds of rides. Kai would get on some but not all of them. After about 3 hours Scott told Aichi it was time to go. Aichi frowned as he didn't want to leave, but he remembered Scott had another surprise for them and instantly smiled. Kai was glad that Aichi was having fun and to be honest he was too. After the fair Scott took them to the Atlanta Aquarium. Aichi smiled as he saw all the animals. Aichi pointed to the shark and looked at Kai "You know this shark is just like you Kai. It's a big jerk." Kai frowned "How am I a jerk?" Aichi smiled warmly "You just are. You're very mean, but I wouldn't say that's a bad thing." Kai was now confused "How's that not a bad thing?" Aichi smiled "It's not a bad thing, because your my mean jerk. And you always will be. To be honest I wouldn't change a thing about you even if you do have hair that looks like a ducks butt." Kai frowned again "First my attitude, now my hair. What's next the way I dress?" Aichi giggled "Kai-kun your so easily offended. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I was trying to say that even if your as mean as a shark and have hair that looks like a ducks butt I'd still love you, because I love you for who you are not what you look like. I wouldn't change anything about you ,and I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world. Not even Vanguard, even though it'd be very hard since it brought us together." Kai smiled and wrapped his arms around Aichi's waist "Aww thank you Aichi. For such a sweet little blueberry, your very mean sometimes in the best ways." Aichi smiled "I know." Aichi smiled as he watched the fish. Kai smiled as he kissed Aichi's cheek and laid his head on Aichi's shoulder. After about 30 minutes Scott found Kai and Aichi and told them it was time to go and get them pack as their flight will be soon. Aichi and Kai sighed as they got in the car and headed for the house. They quickly packed their stuff and put it in the car. Scott quickly drove to the airport so they wouldn't be late for their flight. Aichi and Kai smiled as they waved good bye and got on their flight. Scott smiled as he watched them leave knowing that he'll see them again soon.

Ok that's it for chapter 11 hope you liked it. Anyway I'd like to thank you all for reading my book and sticking with me. I very much appreciate it, and I will try to update everyday, but if I can't sorry. Anyway I can't wait to see you in the next chapter. Bye bye.

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