18. Bug

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  Aiden stood on the rooftop of one of the buildings near Rossi-Fremont.
He looked down at all the people and then at Rossi-Fremont. "All these people. Civilians. None of them knows what happens in the core of the neighborhood."
He called Bedbug.
"It's time."
"Shit, man. I appreciate what you did for me at the Brick, man. Iraq couldn't believe it."
"But he did believe it, right?"
"Yeah, yeah he did. He's all proud and shit. I can't risk pissing him off again, man. You understand?"
"There's a bar near Rossi-Fremont. I'm leaving something in the trash. It's a wire, go get it."
"Listen. You spooked him at the auction. Nobody gets into the upper floors without his permission. Including me." Bedbug insisted.
"We'll be discreet."
"Come on, man. Even the Dedsec leader couldn't make it."
"The Dedsec leader wasn't careful enough."
"Aw, fuck."

Aiden's thoughts confused the order in his mind. He just hoped he wasn't walking Bedbug to his death bed.
After staying on line with Bedbug and helping him with the directions and stealth, he finally arrived at Iraq's floor. He stood in front of the mysterious door.
"Get your phone near the door." Aiden instructed.
"Man, I have a bad feeling about this." Bedbug held his phone in front of the digital lock on the door and it unlocked.
Aiden asked Bedbug to stay near the computer so he can copy data from it.
"It's fucking cold here, man." Bedbug complained.
"Yeah, its to cool the servers. Jesus, that's some serious hardware." Aiden contemplated the room from a hacked camera in the room. Suddenly, a virus triggered an alarm on his phone.
"Shit." Aiden said as he tried to remove it nervously.
"What?" Bedbug asked.
"Just stay there!" Aiden yelled over the phone.
Bedbug got terrified. "No no, no no no!" He moves a desk and pressed it against the door to block any entrance, but he got too far from the computer.
"Wait! That's not enough! Go back!" Aiden shouted over the phone.

Iraq and his associate broke the door open with brute force and immobilized Bedbug.
"Bedbug, what's this shit?" Iraq asked him nervously.
"It ain't what it looks like." Bedbug was shaking of fear
"What does it look like to you? Because it looks like supa-sized fuckin' betrayal to me. Man, how the fuck did you even get in here?" Iraq approached his cousin and with each step closer, Bedbug's fear levels rose.
"Now hold on! No, I love you, man. You know that." Bedbug shivered.
Iraq grabbed him by his collar and hit him. "Who bought you? Quinn?" He and his associate pushed Bedbug on the window. One moment more and he two guys were about to throw him out of the window. "Don't you lie to me! Don't you fucking lie to my face! This is how you repay me?" Iraq yelled loudly, out of anger.
"Come on, cuz. We family. You know it wasn't me. He- he made me do it. Don't drop me! Don't drop me!!"
Aiden lost connection to Bedbug. He stood as his eyes widened while looking at his phone. "Oh no... Bedbug. What just happened? He did everything right. And Iraq... did he murder his own cousin? Did I get him killed?" Aiden sat and held his head in between his hands. He heard viceroys were searching the area; Iraq sent men to kill him.

"Shhh." Eva said as she pressed a cotton pad imbibed with formalin against a chubby black man's forehead. "It's going to be okay."
"Why are you helping me...?" The man asked as he held onto his arm in pain.
"Because I'm thankful that you've helped someone I know." She softly smiled at him.
"Your name's Eva right?"
"That's right. I'm guessing I'll just have to call you Bedbug, no?"
"Yeah... I think." Bedbug hesitated for a while before talking. "Man, you seemed so different while you were talking to Iraq. As in different I mean scarier and more serious."
Eva laughed and agreed.
"You're so soft when you're not around people." Bedbug looked away.
"I don't know, Bedbug. I guess you're just lucky I saw you, and as a person with a soul I couldn't leave you like that." Eva continued and wrapped Bedbug's head with a bandage.
"You aren't in such a good shape yourself." He looked at her beaten up face and body.
"Well Iraq did a good job with me too. I ended up exiting the same way you did."
They looked at each other for a moment and bursted out in laughter.
"Ah man, you're funny." Bedbug commented on her sense of humor.
"I guess." She smiled. "Hold on." She dialed Aiden's number.
"Eva I- I don't know. I don't know what to do, I killed the guy." Aiden spoke nervously and slower than usual.
"Aiden it's okay. Come home."
"I am coming. I need to get my mind off it a bit." He ended the call.

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