6 - Ryan 'O' Donnels

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As the name Ryan 'O'Donnels reverberated in my mind, I found myself processing it repeatedly, trying to unravel the puzzle of familiarity it held. Memories of my classmates failed to connect with this particular name, yet there was an inexplicable tug at my heartstrings, as if I had once crossed paths with someone bearing that name. It sounded so special to me. Ew, that came out cliché. Whatever!

"Hey Sid, assuming none of them is able to recognize your emotions, why can I and that Ryan guy see you?"

Based on his demeanor and appearance, it became evident to me that he shared the very thoughts that were swirling in my mind. So, it's a mystery, then. Or perhaps it's because I am a human, rendering me immune to the curse that seems to afflict beings from their realm only. It would have been a plausible explanation if Mr. Perfect was not in the picture, shattering the plausibility of my hypothesis.

"Just leave it, then. We will think about it later. Can you show me to my room? That is, if I have one."

I asked, casting my gaze outwards towards the vast expanse of the night-time sky, a magnificent tapestry of luminous stars adorning the darkened sky above. The hour was extremely tardy, and the weight of the day's relentless activities began to stealthily encroach upon my weary bones.

"A guest room can be found at the very end of the corridor. I noticed them cleaning it up yesterday, most likely for you."

He casually said, leaving me to ponder if I simply wasn't a random pick from the street. Curiosity flickered within me, knowing that they had pre-handedly arranged a room for my arrival, but the question of why gnawed at my mind. However, the fatigue of the day weighed heavy on my shoulders, dimming my enthusiasm for answers. Turning my back on the man sitting on the bed, I sent a half-hearted wave, deferring my inquisitiveness for another time. They would tell me once the time was right, or I could investigate tomorrow once I had a good night's sleep.

Finding my room wasn't a hard task, and as I swung open the solid wooden door, a sight of astonishment greeted me with open arms. This lavish haven outshone even Sid's extravagant abode effortlessly; its sheer size dwarfed my humble bedroom back home by a staggering five times. But it wasn't just the spaciousness that left me in awe; a walk-in closet beckoned, adorned with an assortment of dreamy dresses and all the essentials a girl could ever yearn for. The vanity table and fancy chair seemed plucked straight from the pages of a fairy-tale castle, while the en suite boasted a capacious bath tub and an abundance of expensive toiletries. What on earth? Not even the richest girl in my class would have seen such costly shampoo bottles.

As I studied the room, a wave of confusion washed over me, making me question if I had entered the wrong place. But when I checked, all the clothing was perfectly tailored to fit my exact measurements. How could they have known? Were they stalking me? Damn, I suddenly don't feel my situation so hard at all. Amidst my perplexity, the sight of a magnificent four-poster queen-sized bed captured my attention. Decorated with numerous pillows and a plush, oversized teddy bear, it invited me with an irresistible allure. Even though I wasn't particularly fond of stuffed animals, the sheer fluffiness of this one was undeniably tempting; it could very well become the perfect companion for a peaceful night's rest. The delicately hued bed sheets and pillow covers exuded a serene ambiance, casting a gentle wave of tranquility over the room. The celestial blue color immediately grabbed my attention, leaving me contemplating whether this carefully chosen shade was mere coincidence or an intentional gesture to appease my personal preferences. Yet rather than provoking unease, a profound gratitude washed over me for the meticulous attention to detail demonstrated by these unseen hands. I should probably consult a psychiatrist if I ever go back.

With complete disregard for the typical evening rituals like bathing, I effortlessly exchanged my day's attire for cozy and comforting pajamas before nestling myself underneath the lustrously smooth blanket. Embracing the warm and comfortable bear plush, a gratifying smile gently kissed the corners of my lips as I surrendered to the enchanting realm of dreams. How I wish there was competition in this field.

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