3 years ???

56 0 0

( yes that's what I look like now )
GUYS , it has been almost 3 years since I have been on this app . And I know I have let you all down with not finishing any of my stories . But I thank you all so much for the reads and the feedback ❤️ these stories meant so much to me at one point in my life and we have all grown so much with these boys.
Let me confess though . Within the last 2 years I have not kept up with any of the boys at all , I see their posts occasionally but they don't make me as excited as they used to.  Unfortunately I am no longer obsessed with them , I no longer spend all my time lurking on their accounts and worrying about how they'll spend their lives , I actually have matured so much and hope they all find someone they truly love and marry them and start they life normally with someone they truly and deeply care for , and I wish that for every single person that reads my stories.
The whole reasons these stories stopped was because my phone broke and when I finally got a new one I had COMPLETELY forgot all about this app .
I now only follow Matt , Nash , Gillinsky , Johnson , Cam and Shawn ( which he has made me prouder than I can even explain with what he's become ) I fell out of love with the rest because they festered in drama with each other. Whether magcon was over or not they should've strived to help each other and be supportive instead of lashing out
I was in 9th grade when these stories started and I am now a senior in high school and I have grown SO MUCH.  So many good and bad memories have happened in these past few years and it honestly astonishes me at the reads I have on these stories.  Thank you all so so much , I honestly have so much love in my heart for each and every one of you and pray and hope you all succeed in life .
( I don't know if i will update these stories I have to re read them )
Please give me comment and feedback ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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