06 | Dumbledore's Army

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❝ I wanna build you a boat, one as strong as you are free. So any time you think that your heart is gonna sink, you know it won't. I wanna build you a boat.


As everybody gather around in a circle, Hermione, who's standing in the center cleared her throat. "Welcome to the Room of Requirement." Hermione said, a small smile plastered on her serious face.

Then, after gathering everyone's attention she continued. "From now on, we will be meeting in this room."

"It's amazing! It's so spacey and huge." Cho Chang interrupted, causing Hermione to let out a frown and Lydia to roll her eyes.

"Amazing? It's bloody bizarre!" Fred said. "You two once hid here right? From an angry Finch. But, i thought you guys said this was just a broom cupboard.."

"It was! Right George?" Ella replied, followed by a nod from Fred.

Cho Chang was about to interrupt again, but she was hurriedly cut by Lydia. "Could we continue please?" She hissed.

Everybody silenced once again and let Hermione continue. "I think we should decide the leader." Hermione suggest, her eyes darted to Harry's.

"Who should it be?" A Hufflepuff girl asked.

Lydia rolled her eyes, "Shouldn't it be Potter? I mean, he's the one who got the idea in the first place." she shrugged. Everybody murmured an agreement.

Harry Potter didn't really wanted to be anyone's leader. He just want to help his friend learn the spells just incase for their protection.

"I think what we really need is not a leader. But a teacher." Cecilia suggests, taking a little step to the front. "Harry, would you teach us?" she looked at Harry.

"What? You don't want Harry to be our leader, Grey?" Cho snapped.

Cecilia was just about to defend herself but was being cut by Harry. "No, she's right. I don't want to be your leader. I just want to help you all to learn this spell that could protect you, because apparently Umbridge wouldn't."

Hermione smiled, satisfied. "Alright, that's settled then. Now, how about the name? We should have a name right?"

"Yeah, that'll be good to boost our spirits!" Raymond agreed.

People were suggesting many names that didn't really fit for the group, it was until Ginny raised her voice and come up with a suggestion.

"The D.A sounds good." Ginny said.

"Dumbledore's Army? That's quite cool. The ministry worst fear." Lydia let out a smirk.

"I like it." Cecilia and Harry agreed in unison. The others also voted in agreement for Dumbledore's Army.

"Now then, shall we start practicing?" Harry started. "I was thinking about starting with the Expelliarmus, the Disarming charm. I mean, it's pretty basic but it'll be very useful–"

"Oh please," interrupted Zacharias. "I don't think that one's going to help us against You-Know-Who."

Everybody once again start to get noisy, bickering about pros and cons. "Didn't Harry use it against him last year?" Cecilia voice caused the others fell into silence once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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