Chapter 14

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My eyes glued to the paper in front of me. I could almost feel my heart beat out of my chest. I didn't want Bum to get hurt... And for it to be my fault.... I have to get this right.

I focused on the spaces in front of me.

3 words.

8 letters.

I can do this.

Sangwoo gave me an annoyed glare "Hurry up, guess something!" His voice startled me, it was so loud compared to how quiet the rest of the room was.

"O-ok" I looked back down at the paper... Why are playing such a childish game in the first place? I decided to start with Vowels to make things easier.

"A....?" Sangwoo gave me a disappointed look, drawing a head to the noose. Damn. "O...?" Sangwoos disappointed expression disappeared, writing an "O" in one of the blank spaces in the 2nd word, and another in the third. Thank god.

Should I try another vowel...? "Um.... I...?" Sangwoo filled in the blank, finishing the first word 'I'

I continued to name the rest of the vowels, the 3 words contained 4 vowels in total. One I, two o's, one E, and one U. The stick figure had his head, and body.

I   _O_E  _OU

At this point the phrase was obvious, I could feel so much relief, Bum is going to be ok.

"Is it.... 'I love you'?" Sangwoo gave me a smile.

"Yup! Wow (y/n).... You're smarter then I thought!"

I was so happy, Bums not getting harmed!

But still, where even are we? This building is so old, how does Sangwoo know about this place, and why did he bring us here just to do a shitty 'game'.

Now it was Bums turn to play, Sangwoo turned the paper over, drawing another noose, along with a few lines underneath. I couldn't tell what was happening since Sangwoos back was turned towards me.

But the next thing I hear is Sangwoos voice loud and clear.

"Looks like Bumi looses"

My heart rate began to beat fast.
Does that mean.
Everything began to move is slow motion.
What's happening.
The only sounds in the room was my heavy breathing, and Sangwoo looking for the pliers on the table.

I struggled to moved my arms out of the chair, but it was useless, even kicking around didn't work other then make my legs sting.
Please Sangwoo, don't do this.

Sangwoo began to walk closer to me, with the pliers in his right hand.

"SANGWOO DONT DO THIS." I wasn't sure if he understood me, I could barley understand myself I was sobbing too hard.

I could feel my tears drip down my cheeks, soon reaching my chin. Please.

His strong hands, yanked my right arm up, almost making the rope come loose, I wined a little from how hard he pulled me.


Next thing I know...


I felt a sharp pain on my right index finger. Along with the sound of my blood dripping on the floor.

It took me a minute to realize what Sangwoo had done, his giggling made me realize.

My sobbing became louder and my tears ran down faster. I can't take this pain anymore.

"Stop wining!" Sangwoos loud words brought me back to reality, as I then felt another pain in my stomach, as my chair fell sideways, hitting my head on the hard floor. Sangwoo punched me. Hard.

I began to cough up blood, loosing so much blood made me feel a bit dizzy. I just saw Sangwoo swirling head, peeking over me, along with Bums cries in the distance.

The world began to spin, I felt strong hands remove the rope from my arms and waist, but I was in too much pain to even move, I could barely tell what was in front of me. Was it Sangwoo...? Bum...?

The spinning world became darker.
I'm loosing too much blood.
Am I going to die?

And darker.
No. I can't die.
Not right now.

And eventually pitch black.


I was suddenly awake again, maybe a loud noise woke me up...?

I was looking at another ceiling, was it the building I was at just now....? Am I still here....?

I tried to move my head, but it was aching real bad from when I fell on the floor. But I forced myself to turn my head, just to understand what was going on.

Turning my head to the left, I noticed I was still in the same building. The same chairs were in the same position, just without Bum and I sitting on them. Where are they?? I moved my head to the right, still, no one was found, only 2 doors leading to other rooms. I looked down at my foot, noticing my ankle was chained up to the wall.

Forgetting about my missing finger, I lifted my hand up, to see a small bandage wrapped around my index finger. The pain suddenly came back, seeing the small red pattern on the bandage.

I tried my best not to cry, but the tears suddenly took over. I quietly sobbed until I heard footsteps come towards me.

"Are you awake yet, (y/n)?" A deep voice startled me, I looked up to find the source of the voice, it was Sangwoo looking back down at me.


"Good!" Sangwoo handed me a can full of porridge, I could feel my eyes light up, I was so hungry. That porridge quickly disappeared from the can.

Sangwoo was still standing next to me when I finished. I looked back at him. "Where's Bum?" Sangwoo pointed his finger next to next to me, revealing Bums bruised, skinny body. He was so still I barely noticed him.

I crawled towards him, shaking his body, hoping he was going to wake up. His eyes began to slowly open. He's alive. A huge sigh of relieve came through my mouth. I was too worried about Bum to notice Sangwoo quietly walk out the building, leaving Bum and I in the building.


(A/n) hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! I was really tired while writing it, sorry XD

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