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Zach's Pov

Today was the surprise party and I hope it goes well. I got dressed grabbed my things and when over to Stef's house. I decided that because she was going to be at school for her birthday that we would go out today and come back when the party was set up. We went to her favourite place called "Max Brenner" which is a place filled with chocolate. We then went to Bondi beach. Although I knew Stef hated the beach I didn't understand why but we had a good time. We went back to my hotel and just watched a movie called "all eyes on me" until the party was ready. During the movie, Stef asked me a question.

Stef: Do you remember when you said the "L" word??

Zach: Yea

Stef: Why did you say it?? How did you know??

Zach: The reason why I said "I love you" was because I love every part of you and if anything ever happened to you, I would die. From your smile to your heart you are perfect in every single way. How I knew I loved you was when you left, I just wanted to be with you 24/7

I get a text from Hanna that everything what ready and set. I told Stef that I had a surprise for her and that she needed to put a blindfold on once we were in the car. We get into the taxi, I hand over my phone with the address to the taxi driver and he took us there. While we were in the car I put the blindfold on Stef. We had finally got to her house and I messaged them before to make sure the door was open. I text the boys to start getting ready and I helped Stef out of the car. The boys were right behind us and being really quiet. I walk Stef into her house and tell her to take her blindfold off. Everyone screams surprise and she is in shock. She gives me a hug and says hello to everyone. When she finishes saying hello I tell everyone to be quiet for her next surprise. I yell out "come on in boys" and the boys walk in while singing "We The Party". When the song ended Stef said "OMG" and ran up to the boys, giving them a hug. Everybody clapped and the music started playing. It was all so amazing until I saw Stef with a boy laughing. I didn't know why it bothered me so much but I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Stef's Pov

I took off my blindfold and everyone screamed surprise, it was all so amazing. All of my friends and family were there and so was Zach's family, I wouldn't wait to meet them. I said hello to everyone and once I was done Zach told everyone he had another surprise for me. He yelled out "come on in boys" and when I saw what it was I died inside. The boys sang "We The Party" and the whole time I had my hands over my mouth in shock. Once they finished the song I said "OMG" and ran over to them and hugged them. When it came to Jack, he picked me up and spun me around than with Daniel we said "The best friends have been united again" Everyone laughed. I met Zach's family and they were so lovely. After a bit, I went over to my primary school friends and I started laughing at something James had said. Zach kept staring and I can feel that something is up so I go over to him.

Stef: Zach can I talk to you for a minute

Zach: Sure

We walk over to a private spot but still insight

Stef: What's wrong? And don't try to deny it

Zach: Idk what it is exactly but I don't like it when you're with that guy

Stef: I think someone is jealous!! but trust me he is just a friend. We are only friends because Hanna is cousins with him and we always talk to each other. Btw I choose you over everyone else

Zach: Fine but I'm not jealous

Stef: I want to say thank you so much for all of this, it is so amazing and I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for me

Zach: I would do anything for my girl

Before we went back I kissed Zach gently on the lips then gave him a hug. We headed back and he met all of my friends. I thanked everyone for coming and soon everyone left beside the boys and Zach's family. Before the boys and I left we cleaned up. Me and my dad made a deal which was I was allowed to go out with the boys but I had to tell him and I had to be back by dinner except for 2 nights. He then gave Zach and I permission to date if we wanted to. I also made a deal with my mum which was after school I'm allowed to go out with the boys and on Friday I can have the day off. Once we all finished cleaning up, the boys and I left to adventure while my parents and Zach's parents get to know each other.

Authors note: Hey everyone, I'm back and feeling a bit better. Thank you for waiting and being patient. Hope you guys like it and make sure to comment your thoughts. Also, I want to do a get to know me update so leave me questions in the comment section and ill answer them in the next update. Add me on Instagram at whydontwe_779. I hope you all have a good day/night xx

- Stef

(22 October 2017)

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