Tricked (A creepypasta story)

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 I knew he was coming. There was several news reports about him. Just the description of him was horrifying,but the story made you feel a pinch of sympathy for him. His picture could make most people run and hide. I waited for the silky cold metal the bring my death as he sat on me. He bent down and said three words everyone says but in a terrifying bone-chilling way,

 "Go to sleep!" I didn't give him the satisfaction of showing pain nor that I was scared. I just simply closed my eyes and allowed the pain to flow and take over as his knife was slid into my stomach making blood ooze out on the floor.

 Everything went black and then it was as if I was flouting in thin air. I felt like my body and mind was gone. I felt nothing almost as if I didn't exist

"Haya! Come here" whispered a voice behind me. I turned and the black space like place I was once in turned into a ball room. My once grey hoodie and black jeans turned into a pure lime green dress that flowed in a few rows of ruffles. There was a mirror in the middle of the room and I found myself walking up to it. As I walked every time my foot left the floor the floor and walls fell on every side into blackness. Soon all that stood was me, the mirror and a small amount of floor on with we stood on.

 I saw myself in the mirror only instead of my lime green eyes and brown hair, she had red eyes and pure white hair,She had my sharp teeth and elf like ears. She had very sharp claws and was as pale as the being that put me here.

 Just as she was about to grab my arm the mirror broke and the floor that I was standing on disappeared and I fell. As I was about to hit another room my eyes opened.

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