How To Teach Rachel Dare

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Mrs Parks POV

I watched Rachel Dare as she walked into the classroom, her skirt was once again covered in paint, her tights had been ripped and her blouse was ruffled and wrinkled. Her frizzy, curly, fire red hair was pulled back with a bright green hair tie that somehow matched her eyes.

"Miss Dare, did you even wash your skirt last night or did you sleep in your uniform?" I asked once the entire class was in the room. I heard giggles and whispers about how she is homeless and Mr Dare is being nice and paying for her to come here.

"Nope! This a clean uniform Miss," Rachel smirked. I sighed.

"Did you get attacked by painting bears?" I questioned. "That is the only explanation I can think of for your uniform being covered in paint, dirt and ripped,"

"You've got quite a creative imagination for a Maths teacher Mrs Parks. Painting bears? Never thought of that, maybe I should paint you a picture of that to hang in this dull classroom?" The red headed girl smiled widely. I sighed.

"Rachel, this is the third time you've worn a ripped, dirty uniform to school this week, you wore it all last week too and the week before that," I looked at the apparent heiress of the Dare fortune. If she kept this up she'll never have a bright future.

"You know, I might just make sure my uniform is, how'd you described it? Ripped and dirty? To have this excellent conversation every morning with you,"

"Rachel this is your eighth warning, you're only supposed to have three, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to give you a detention and if your uniform isn't fixed by Friday, you will be getting a suspension and a phone call home," Rachel raised an eyebrow and small smile on her face.

"Let me guess if I don't get it fixed up by the end of the suspension, I get expelled?" I looked at her in surprise.

"Do you want to be expelled Miss Dare?" I asked. She gave me a smile and simply shook her head.

"Not yet," I sighed and turned to the board to continue on with the lesson.

*****Don't mind me, I'm just the time lapse that's friends with Katie telling you that the author is skipping this story to Friday*****

I watched as my first class filed into the room. Once everyone was settled I noticed a certain red headed girl wasn't in the room.

"Has anyone seen Miss Dare?" I asked my class. The girls shook their head, gossiping about why she might not be here. "Right then lets get on with today's lesson,"

I didn't see Rachel all day, I asked her other teachers if they had seen her but none had. That's how I ended up in the art rooms staring at an easel with a painting of bears painting a wall in rainbow and red headed girl helping them. I smile and laugh wanting to come out but I suppressed it. That's when I noticed a note.

'Dear Mrs Parks,

I thought you might like this for your classroom. I'm not sure if I'm going to be back and I thought one person should have a token to remember me by. I thoroughly enjoyed our morning banters and I always made sure I had paint on me and my tights ripped just so we could have our usual argument. I hope I do return to your class next year but I've been having some personal problems.

Your Worst Student,
Rachel Elizabeth Dare'

I stared at the note wondering where my favourite student disappeared to and I do hope I see her next year. I looked back up at the painting and noticed something that I thought was quite odd. There was a blue hairbrush sticking out of the painting girl's back pocket. I shook my head, I'll never understand what goes through Rachel Dare's mind but one thing for sure I'll never forget her as my student.

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