Bro Code

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A/N: There was no voting/commenting on the last chapter so no dedication :(

“Hey, Aaron?” I asked while we were sitting on my bed.

“What’s up?” he asked while texting someone, probably Jen.

I hesitated for a second as I tried to decide whether asking this was a good idea or not. I sucked it up and sighed, “Do ever kiss a girl and then… then just leave?”

“Are we talking about Jake? Because he was horrible, just forget about him,” Aaron stopped to look up at me.

“No,” I groaned internally; I knew I shouldn’t have brought it up, “I was wondering if guys did that a lot. Kiss a girl passionately and go.”

He shrugged, “If there’s no chance for sex and we’re not in a relationship, maybe.”

“Oh,” was all I could think of to say. I mentally slapped myself; I’m such a genius.

“You still didn’t say why,” he waited with impatience clear in his voice even though he looked totally relax playing with his phone.

I debated telling him the truth and decided it was just too dangerous. I loved Aaron with all my heart, but it was at times like this when I wished I had a girl to talk to. I accepted a long time ago that I’d never get to talk about bras- even though he knew my bra size, C- or my period, that never really bothered me, but I could’ve really used a girl at that moment. Sure, Aaron and I were pretty much friends with everyone, but none of them were close friends. He wasn’t even that close with his girlfriend.

“No reason,” I mumbled, “What do you want to do tonight.”

He bit his lip, “I already promised Jen I’d go out with her.”

“Sorry, I forgot,” I blushed at my lack of caring for my friend’s relationship, “go have fun.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah,” I put on my best fake smile, “go. Tell Jen I said hi.”

“Okay,” he grinned and left my room.

I fell back onto my bed lost. What was I going to do? People kept leaving. Aaron to visit his girlfriend. Chace, who shouldn’t have been here at all. I hate his stupid, perfect, soft lips. The way he could make me moan without my permission. I so badly wanted to hate him.

But I couldn’t hate him. I wanted his lips back on mine. I wanted to tangle my fingers in his hair. He shouldn’t have kissed me. Doesn’t he know Bro Code? You can’t just kiss your best friend’s little sister. Especially if your best friend happened to be Adam Barker. Even if you’re not his best friend you don’t just kiss his sister.

I groaned and covered my face. I was making too big a deal about this. I decided to clear my mind by changing into my bathing suit and going out to tan. I grabbed my sunglasses and put them on. I fixed up the wrinkles in my red bikini and ran for the door. My bare feet touched the hot ground outside and I grinned to myself.

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