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(Liliya's bow)
Liliya worried about her Aunt. Kore's state hadn't improved in the slightest and it had been a full week. " Liliya I've been thinking that it would probably be a good idea for you to learn how to use your powers." Cynthia told her. " Please tell me you're not going to send me off to some training school." Liliya pleaded not wanting to leave with Kore still unconscious. " Actually I was thinking I could train you." Cynthia said quietly. " Really, oh thank you Aunt Cynthia." Liliya grinned hugging her Aunt who jumped in surprise. " It is no problem Liliya, I have a training room where I can show you what to do." Cynthia told her. Leading her to an empty room that had targets and a tub of water." We are starting with water aren't we?" Liliya noticed. " It's what I'm best with so yes." Cynthia grinned closing her eyes and held her hand out. The water flew out floating around her. " Water is pretty easy for physic's like you. Just try to make yourself one with it or try to think of what you want to do that should work as well." Cynthia told her flicking her wrists and it flew back tank. Liliya squinted her eyes in concentration after a moment the water spun around her like it had for Cynthia.
" Alright what next." Liliya asked flicking wrist like Cynthia did. " Well I don't know how much you would like it, but maybe I could see where you are in your powers and how much you need to learn." Cynthia said." I don't know Cynthia, I'm a lot more inexperienced then you." Liliya said nervously. " I'll go defensive Liliya, please this will really help." Cynthia pleaded. " Alright." Liliya relented before sending a huge wave of water towards her Aunt engulfing her or so she thought. When the water cleared her Aunt was surrounded in a Psychic shield. " Nice try Liliya, but it's a good effort." She grinned before sending water back at her. She teleported going behind Cynthia before attacking her with chaos magic. It hit her and for a second Liliya thought her Aunt would hit the wall when the water engulfed her saving her fall.
Not giving her time to recover Liliya used her magic and Cynthia countered using water to match every strike. Not gaining any ground on her Aunt she decided to try to use a different power one she hadn't ever used. Ducking to avoid her Aunts attack she placed a hand on the ground her face frowning in concentration before the ground shot up underneath her Aunt changing the smooth battlefield to a rocky course. Using her size as an advantage she hid in the rocks attacking from different sides with magic, but Cynthia always seemed to block wherever her attacks went. Then the ground shook and she fell to the ground the rocks falling back into the ground. Then she threw her hands up a thick mist covering the battlefield. Liliya understood what she was doing. The mist made it hard to see and with her red hair she undoubtedly stuck out. Without really having a plan Liliya thought of light and thrust her hands forward and a beam of light cut through the mist hitting Cynthia which flung her into a wall. " Oh my gosh, Cynthia are you alright?!" Liliya said the mist clearing as she ran over to her groaning Aunt. " You're good in battle Liliya, I'll give you that." Cynthia laughed and Liliya looked at her confused. " I actually beat you." Liliya said shocked before collapsing onto the floor next to Cynthia. " Actually you are exhausted and I would of been able to beat you had you not run to check on me." Cynthia pointed out as she got up not seeming fazed from the slam into the wall which she was glad about. " So what do you suggest I need to work on?" Liliya asked. " Your good with magic so not that, your strategics is phenomenal, but I think you need a weapon." Cynthia concluded. " Why would I need a weapon if I have my powers?" Liliya said confused. " Well not exactly a weapon though some do use one for what I'm thinking. There are items you can make that make using your powers easier and help lessen how much energy you use." Cynthia told her. " What is yours?" Liliya asked curiously. " My necklace is mine." Cynthia smiled fiddling with the light blue heart that hung around her neck that had stopped glowing since their battle ended. " What do you suggest for me?" Liliya asked." I don't know. It depends on what you like. My sister uses daggers and small knives. I've seen people use bows or bracelets." Cynthia told her. " Do you know how to use a bow?" Liliya asked with a small grin. " Actually yes, we all learned how to use one of the main weapons. I used a bow, Kore knives, and Lily was a sword fighter. I can give you one to use." Cynthia said leading her over to the archery range where there was a group of bows and arrows, spears, and guns. She grabbed the light blue one and Cynthia gave a smile at that. " That one is mine, but I don't use it much any more so it's yours. Now when you pull your arrow back make sure to square your shoulders." Cynthia instructed as she prepared to shoot. They practiced until Louis Cynthia's butler came in. " I hate to interrupt Lady Cynthia, but your sister Astrid has asked for your immediate attention." He said and Liliya gave her a shocked look. " sister?!" She basically screeched. " She's my half sister, a Learner as well which is what worries me. We really shouldn't have 4 Learners in the same area. Either way would you like to meet Astrid?" Cynthia asked. " Of course I would, what about her mom?" Liliya asked. " My Aunt died years ago either way I'd prepare yourself for bad news she doesn't visit unless something is wrong." Cynthia said and the walked to the door where a beautiful dark brown haired woman stood in a purple dress. Her purple eyes that stuck out on her pale skin. " Cynthia oh it's so good to see you." The woman said hugging her.
" Astrid it's good to see you too." Cynthia said. " I haven't seen you around here." She said rasing her eyebrow at Liliya. " Liliya Ivanov Cynthia's niece and you are?" Liliya introduced." Astrid Jennings it's a pleasure." She grinned. " What brings you here Astrid?" Cynthia asked.
" Toxic Waste they've killed another family around here I thought I should warn you." Astrid sighed.
" Who was it this time." Cynthia sighed. " The Lighter family though Amelia survived and is currently living with me." Astrid told her.
" Amelia?" Liliya said confused.
" Yeah Amelia Lighter the Lighter's only daughter she's who Cynthia learned the bow and arrow from." Astrid explained. " That's a relief, are you staying or is it going to be another one of those tell and go visits." Cynthia asked. " I can stay for a couple of days, but I will need to go pretty soon to take care of Amelia." Astrid said. " Alright then Louis prepare the guest room and Liliya Astrid will help me with your training." Cynthia told her before they two headed back into Cynthia's room and Liliya went back to watching over Kore.

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