A New World

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Hey guys it's me finally here with the final installment of this series I hope you all enjoy and without further ado into the story!!!!!

After getting home that day we slept and slept and slept some more we get up the next day and head for food after that we grab our stuff and head for the tree at the edge of town

Once in the grate oak tree I look out over the wall and to the horizon as the sun comes up but then I see something and turn to tap Carl he looks up "ya?" I point " do you see that?" He looks at the tank coming towards us "shit!" Says Carl

Just then Rick comes under us "what's wrong?" He says we point and he climbs the ladder by the wall he gasped and jumped down "GET MOVING YOU TWO GET TO YOUR BASEMENT AND TELL EVERYONE ELS NOW!!" We jump down and run toward home yelling "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK GET TO YOUR BASEMENTS!!" The whole way

People scramble and run for their homes we do to and once inside we block every entry way and lock ourselves in the basement a lot happens that night booms screams gun shots and then silence we didn't come out till day brake......

That morning we came upstairs to see the house a wreck pots and pans all over the floor a smashed pipe on the floor a tipped over bong plates bowls and everything else on the floor

We go upstairs and look out the window there's holes in the street holes in buildings and a few bodies we then grab our gear and go out as we walk we stab the dead so they don't turn

Eventually we find Jesse he's on Walker patrol we go over "where's dad?" We both ask as we get in front of him he barely notices but stops "last I knew he was chasing the people who attacked us with Daryl.

With that he walked away after that me and Carl walked around looking at all the destruction holes in buildings roads and a big hole in the wall we move to Jacksons house and draw our guns

We enter and check down stairs nothing we move up stairs and check every room nothing finally we come to Jacksons room we open the door and see nothing we sigh disappointed and Carl sits on the bed

"OWWWWWW!" Carl jumps up as a red faced Jackson pops out of the blankets "what was that for?" He pouts we rush forward and start checking him over for bites we find none then I speak "alright do you know where your mom is?" He shakes his head

"I was up here all night hiding until Carl sat on me" he shoots a glare at Carl he scratches the back of his head "s..sorry" after some more questioning we left little Jackson right behind us we wonder the street for a while until we end up at our house we sit on the porch for an hour when we hear......

"JACKSON!!!" We look up as Jacksons Mom rushes over and grabs the poor boy and hugged him so hard it looked like he'd die with that Jackson waved goodbye and went home with his mom

A little while later me and Carl go in for dinner we eat and lay down for bed Carl dozed off and I got up and dressed then out the door I needed to talk to Jesse 

I walk down the dark empty street to Jesse's house I knock once twice three times nothing I then rapidly knock until he comes to the door "what?" He said half asleep half agitated  he looks down "oh"

He steps back and opens the door for me to come in he's in his boxer shorts I giggle a little "so you come to laugh at me or talk?" He says pulling out a Mountain Dew "your going to take me to dad I know you know where he is!"

Jesse sat for a second then sighed and got up "you want something?..hot coco?..coffee? I got soda too..." I cut him off "quit the fucking games and tell me where dad is take me to Rick!.... or I'll go myself!" That gets him

He sighs again "alright I guess you have your gear then" I nod "alright go get something while I get ready" he walks off and I go to his kitchen and open the fridge there's soda, juice, milk, and tea I grab a soda can and crack it open noticing it's Pepsi

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