Have I loved you too much?

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Have I loved you too much or have I loved you less?

Do you long for my touch or care what somebody says?

About the things I did or those I haven't done.

The day to you I bid goodbye then I was gone.

I brought your heart with me everywhere I go..

Your haunting smile I see God, how I miss you so.

You're miles and miles away and my heart longs for you.

We'll be together someday and never will be blue.

I promised to return and bring back the years.

The time when our hearts burn so, babe dry up your tears.

I'll keep this memories let this be my vow.

Protect you from worries but I can't do that now.

That letter of yours came you said you've had enough

I was never the same and I thought life was tough.

Hit with a pain so real I almost drowned in it

This wounded heart can feel I nearly lost my wit.

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