Chapter Nine

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"Remember to practice grammar with the sheets I gave you." Clarence said as they pulled into her drive way. Justin nodded as he placed his car in par. He pulled her into a sweet kiss that left a small smile on her face.

"Whose car is that?" Justin nodded towards an expensive black car in front of his. Even though Clarence knew little of cars, she knew it was expensive. The sun glistened off the hood as she moved to leave Justin's jeep.

"Probably Faith's friend." Clarence shrugged before waving her last goodbye. Justin smiled at her before he pulled away from the light blue house. The smile did not leave his lips as he thought of Clarence.

When she entered her house, Faith was sitting in the living room with a man. His hair held streaks of grey mixed with his dark brown. His suit screamed money as her eyes met his. His dark brown eyes held a coldness that sent shivers down her spine.

Her eyes traveled to Faith as her mind spun. Faith's eyes held unfallen tears as she ran a hand through her hair. The man looked at Clarence as a small smile formed to his lips. It was not a smile of welcome, but a smile of victory.

"Clarence, please sit down." Faith send with a voice absent of her normal joy. Her eyes told Clarence a story of heartbreak and fear that she never saw before in her.

"What's wrong, Faith?" Clarence questioned as she sat next to Faith on the couch. Faith just smiled at her as she looked back to the man setting on a chair before them.

"Hello, Clarence. I'm Mathew, your uncle." Clarence's eyes trailed over him as she saw presences of her father in him. His eyes held dark secrets that Clarence heart feared of.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." Clarence spoke softly while his eyes expected her as well. Faith looked between the two with a smile as she thought of the memories of before.

"You are a beautiful blend of your mother and father." He plastered on the same smile a lawyer uses. It held a fakeness that she made her feel unsteady with nerves. "I have a proposition for you that Faith believes to be acceptable as well."

"I just want what is best for you, Clarence. I don't mind if you accept or deny it." Faith spoke with softness as Clarence looked between the two of them in confusion. Her curiosity grew as the two exchanged a look.

"I will be moving to Los Angeles in the upcoming year. Since you were initially there before the tragic events, I would be honored if you joined me." His smile changed to some of sympathy as she bit her lip in thought.

"You wouldn't be at the same school, but you would be close enough to see any old friends." Faith smiled as the tears in her eyes shined with her true feelings. Clarence looked between the two as all words left her.

"It will be the city life that I am sure you must miss. Any city girl would miss it as she moves to a small town." Mathew added with a smile that was unlike the painted on one before. "I would love to undo the wrongs of my brother, Clarence. Not everyone on this side of the family is evil."

"C-can I think about it?" Clarence questioned before the two nodded their head slowly. Mathew smiled at her with a look of adoration. Faith smiled at Clarence as her eyes stayed locked on Mathew's.

"Clarence, even if you don't come with me, I hope we can build a relationship." He smiled as her leaned against the back of her couch in question. Her mind swung as she thought back to her time in L.A.

DUN DUN DUN! Anyways, have a lovely day, and if you are feeling generous, please leave a vote/comment.

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