ch. 5

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'You hate him! You hate him! You. Hate. Him!' I repeated in my mind as I sat in the hospital due to Jeff....Again!! I hate that man...teen...kid...person...thing...what ever he is! All I know is my little brother may not make it because of him.

      -----Flash back & authors P.O.V----

    Haya lay in bed sound asleep, she was awoken by a pitched scream and a deep laugh that followed.

   "SISSY!! HElpp..." His voice faded out and she jumped out of bed, sprinted to him room and was horrified of the seen that unfolded in front of her. She pushed the smiley freak out of the way, held her little brother and called 911. They where there in the matter of seconds. A man pried Alex away from Haya as she balled.

           ----Now time...that made no sense xD----

      Alex lay limp in the hospital bed as he had stiches on his chest, legs, arms, and torso. The doctors say it was a surprise he was still alive but Haya knew it was so he wouldn't loose her again. She knew is sounded selfish but it was true, he was hanging on for her. He was hanging on to see his big sister and to grow up by her side as her companion through life. He was truly a fighter.

    Haya was holding his hand as he opened his eyes and wiggled slightly from the amount of pain he held. She dived carefully into a hug and he hugged back weakly.

   " S-sissy...why did your f-friend hurt us again? I thought he w-was good." He asked disappointed.

    " I don't know Alex but I swear he will pay. Even if I have to move you away, or...." Her voice became strained and cracked as she finished her last 3 words, " Or even kill.." He smiled and slowly went back to sleep. 'I will kill if I have to...I will kill if I have to..." Haya repeated in her mind over and over again until she got sick of her own thoughts. Was she prepared to kill him? No, of course not! She would have to do tons of training and it would be hard juggling Alex, School, and fighting, AND training all at once, but she would do anything for her brother even more so when he wanted her to.

   She had ideas, plans, revenge all unraveling in her mind and she would never forget her one plane she would try. ' instead of killing Jeff....I get him where it really hurts. Killing wont do it I know. But something else will and I know it.'  she repeated her plan over and over as she did be for until the same thing happened.

   She was going to make Jeff pay..

(Ello! Thanks for the reads And I relies its not that good of a story and thank you for putting up with it for the little people who have. <3 ya!)

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