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I had nearly drifted to sleep again from hunger and boredom. My mind hadn't taken long to understand what was happening. It was either a very sick dream, or I was in a different world than the small town I had grown up in. Either way, I wanted out.

I heard the click of the door, and watched as a familiar figure entered the room. It was Mr. Wellington. No, King Thaddeus. I eyed him with pure hatred.

He turned towards me, standing in place near the door.

"Come." He said sternly. I wasn't sure what he meant. Come to him? Come to the door? I didn't care. I was going to die here, or I was going to die somewhere else.

I remained silent and unmoving. His eyes narrowed slightly.

"Come." His hand motioned to the door.

I remained still, looking at him without blinking. I looked at his hand that was tightened into a fist. He stepped towards me slowly, and my body tightened. I jumped off of the bed, backing into the wall. His figure was on me in an instant.

His body loomed over mine. I could smell his clothes; mint and something I had never smelled. His face was an inch away from mine, and his arms extended on either side of me, trapping me beneath him.

"If you starve, you are no good to me. But since you insist on not leaving this room, I'll have food brought here." His voice sent shivers down my spine. My eyes were glancing anywhere but his face. I couldn't look into his eyes, for fear of being pulled in.

He touched my neck where Nathaniel had bitten me. I tried to move away, but he grabbed my arm. His grip was gentle, but I couldn't move. I started shaking, unable to control myself.

"Relax." His voice echoed into my ears. I felt my body beginning to relax, and his thumb circled the sore spot on my neck.

I barely heard a soft sound that was unlike anything I'd ever heard before. I looked up, and nearly fainted. Mr. Wellington- Thaddeus- had two long, sharp teeth in his mouth. He put his wrist to is lips, and I heard a popping noise. Blood began to run down his wrist, and I screamed involuntarily.

"No! Please..." I trembled, not wanting to be bitten again.

He took his free hand that was on my arm and put it to the blood. I dared not move, still fixated on the teeth elongated from below his top lip. He took a finger with a drop of blood, and put it to my neck. I felt an instant wave of relief over my body. My neck no longer hurt, and my headache was gone instantly.

The blood from his wrist had stopped flowing, and the holes seemed to disappear completely. The teeth in his mouth vanished and I said the only words that I could muster.

"Thank you." He turned to meet my eyes. I gazed into the deep golden circles. I flashed to the memory of my dream, those same golden eyes turned red.

He gave me a confused look, and motioned towards the bed.


He released his hands and stepped back, giving me room to move. I obeyed. I sat and watched him walk in front of me. He stood facing me, eyes soft.

"Don't drag it out. Kill me, please." I looked at him pleadingly. He cocked his head and laughed.

"Is that what you want? Death?" He sounded almost amused.

"No. I want freedom. But it appears the only way I will get it is to die."

My words seemed to perplex him. He just stared at me, still like a stone. We sat there in silence for what felt like hours before he spoke.

"You are a strange female. It is a dream of any woman to be the King's mistress." He said softly. I looked at him in shock.

"No." Was all I could say.

"Excuse me?"

"I am no ones mistress. Not since I found out what you are. I want no part of this. I-" suddenly he pushed me onto my back, crawling over me. His body pressed against mine, and his mouth moved to my neck.

My body froze, expecting the pain of before. I closed my eyes and braced for the bite. Instead, I felt his soft lips press against my skin. He slowly kissed me, and it was like lightening down my body.

He moved up, kissing my jaw, trailing them around the other side of my face. His hands gently traced my arms, and moved to my waist. They moved to my bottom, and squeezed.

The invasion caught me off guard, and I gasped. His mouth jumped to mine, and he kissed me with a hunger. I twisted my fingers into his hair, and kissed him back.

I had never been kissed. We were not allowed to fornicate, not under command of mistress. She believed in virtue and purity. We had spoken of what we imagined it would be like. Sloppy maybe. Drunken or wet, considering our options in Weston. Sometimes we spoke as though a kiss would be the best thing you had ever felt. But never like this.

This was an experience I could have never imagined. It was unlike anything I had ever known. His kiss broke me. I no longer cared about where I was, or what had happened. It was only us in this moment.

I felt his hands slowly sliding up my dress. I was met with a rush of pleasure and fear. Once I said yes to this monster, what was my fate? Was my virginity the only thing keeping me from being drained of life?

"Stop." My voice commanded, breaking the kiss. I turned my head. It was all I could do to keep my voice from shaking. His weight lifted off of me, and he stood looking down at me.

"You think you have a choice?" He said angrily.

"Am I a mistress or a slave? A mistress can leave. What do you want from me?"  

In an instant he was over me again, his eyes infuriated.

"Then I suppose you're a slave. You will not leave. And I will get what I want. I have no interest in forcing you. I quite enjoy mutual pleasure. However, seeing as you aren't able to be compelled, I am not sure if this will hurt." His mouth slowly moved towards my neck, and I screamed.

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