Chapter 7

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Wednesday rolled around quickly.  I knew today was going to be a fast-paced day at work because Breaking Instinct were leaving for Washington right after we were finished. Paul, who was recording with La Dispute, heard some of their demos we had recorded and showed them to La Dispute, who then said they would like to bring Breaking Instinct on a one night showcase in Washington to open up for them. 


As per usual, Alex boarded the train the stop after mine, and gave me a wave, heading to his usual seat. As I waved back I wondered if he didn’t find me interesting anymore or at all since we spoke yesterday. He lay down across a few of the seats, his head facing my direction.

“Sorry, you probably expected me to sit there with you” he raised his voice a bit.

“Nah, you look comfy there and I wouldn't want my lap to be occupied by your shoes” I replied back.

“Hah, cute. But I sure could use a foot massage,” he said jokingly.

“Sorry, I’ve always had this rule to not touch stranger’s smelly feet”

“And I bet you never thought you’d have that rule be relevant in your life”

I just laughed and smirked at him. He reminded me of myself, but in a dude version. He could be a joker and sarcastic asshole like I am, but could be happy and comforting in other times. He started dozing off, and I looked around for something to throw at him. Unfortunately the items on the ground were all dirty and questionable, so I searched my jacket pockets and found an old crumpled up receipt. I threw it at Alex's chest and his eyes shot open and he looked at me. I just shrugged my shoulders.

“I donno whether to say thanks for keeping me awake or get angry for waking me up.”

“I would suggest the first one, I’d be thankful for me too,” I said back to him.

He chuckled showing off his teeth and those adorable dimples again.

“Why are you sleeping anyway? Didn’t get any rest last night?” I asked him.

“No actually I only got a few hours. An old friend had invited me out and time got away from us.”

“At least you were spending your time doing something fun”

“I guess, but now I’m gonna be half asleep all day”

“I’ve got the solution. Rockstar or Red Bull. Keeps me going for a good amount of time”

“I’ll probably grab some once I get off here, I keep drifting off”

The train stopped a few minutes later, and I yelled a goodbye to a clearly sleepy Alex, and he mumbled one back to me.


Once again, work went well and I was exhausted by the time we finished at the end of the day. Pete and Paul had come in during the day to listen to the band and gave me numerous compliments about my recording style and praising my work on how I helped them write some of their songs. At the end of the day, I boarded the train expecting to see Alex again, but was sort of surprised to see his seat still available. Instead, at the next stop, a man who had a very foul odour sat in Alex’s spot. “I think I’ll be telling Alex about this tomorrow” I thought to myself as I saw the creepy man rub his beer belly.


Wednesday January 29 2014

Dear diary, I had another great day, everything seems to be working out with minimal setbacks at the studio. And today Alex called me cute. Well, I think he did. Basically he either called me cute or the remark that I made at him cute, but I’m pretty sure he called me cute in the context that he used it in. ANYWAY, tomorrow I have a really chill day of editing while the band is out of town, and I’m gonna head to the tattoo shop that I checked out on the weekend to have a consultation with the artist.

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