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My eyes widen slightly as I swallow deeply. "Yeah?" I say, trying my best to not look weird. He plays with his hands and he frowns as he quickly sighs and looks at the roof.

"Look man, I feel like I've known you for years because of this dream, when you showed up at my door I was so shocked because of what happened in this dream. I feel so fucking attached to you it's insane." He very quickly tells me, head bowing down to push his head into his hands. I stare at him, mouth wide as my breathing gets so shallow I can't even feel my chest move.

His head comes back up slowly to noticing no response, and sees my shocked face, I watch as his face starts to pale and he sits up. "Oh my god I'm so sorry if I've made you feel uncomfortable I knew you would think I'm crazy." He mutters, a sad look on his face.

My shock fades as I notice how much he was affected by my reaction. My brain quickly starts up again as I stutter out "Nono it's fine, I was just really really shocked because, I had a dream about you too."

His reaction was weird. It was such a mix of emotions I wouldn't know where to start to describe it. He was shocked but also so relieved. He felt happy and scared at the same time. Everything was so... weird.

"Wait, did your dream end in a-"
"Car crash?" I end his sentence as he realises what's going on.

"Would it be weird if I said I really want to kiss you right now?"

"I don't know, how good are you with hesitation?"

"Not very." He says as he leans forward quickly, taking my head into his hands as his soft lips hit mine, a mix of emotions running through my body, happiness, confusion, worry. All of it circulating, but a massive one, starting to take over my scared thoughts and anxious heart, is lust. I quickly move towards him, feeling my phone fall to the ground as I wrap his hair around my fingers, grasping onto the soft strands.

He pulls away, and I feel the anxiety quickly flood into my head. "Is this real or are we only feeling this because of the dream?" He asks, watching my dark eyes scan my face.

"I know what I feel right now, and I want you. Not just in a sexual sense but in a lifetime sense. We both had the exact same dream about each other without even knowing each other. I don't know about you, but I believe in all that weird shit. We had a dream that told us to be together."

He looks down and sighs. "But we died in the end." He says quietly.

I grab his chin, making him look into my eyes.

"I'll keep you safe."


Our eyes scanned each other faces, our lips quickly connecting again. I feel his hands roam down my sides and to under my thighs. Just as our lips disconnect for us to take off our shirts, I could've sworn I heard him say 'I love you.'

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