part 16

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The gift left khushi in confused that who sent her , she guessed but couldn't find who sent her .She even thought it may be from arnav but ignored it thinking he don't know her stay place .ignoring who sent her gift .she enjoyed having her favorite FR and vased the flowers in vase in her studio apartment.
While having chocolate her phone blinked indicating her it's incoming msg. After getting her phone there was msg from bank saying 10.5 lakhs have been deposited in her accounting by mehta company . This left her more confuse so to clarify her confusion she called shivya who is CFO of mehta firm's.

Bhai she said as soon as he said hello.

"Relax kiddo what happened y u screaming "he said in confusion .

" bhai there 10.5 lakhs have Ben deposited by company .why so much money in my account and that to suddenly ""or it may be mistake " she said in one breath.

"Relax baby girl relax " he said understanding her Confusion.

"Then what shall I do bhai " u please check with yours CA and accountants she said as she was still in Confusion.

"I told u relax rty so relax , that amount has been deposited and I know about it and before u Start firing yours question let me complete okie so listen here that amount is from UK fashion week .and that is yours credits for working in project  as all designs of dreams and ours are sold the final pay was divided amount designers and manufacturing thus it's yours share so the amount has been deposited in yours account "
He said in understanding this nerve of gal who will be more confused in this kind of  matters.

Ohh "it's like , I thought it may be by mistake "she said in sleepylish smile after understanding the matter.

So understood ,relax it's yours credits shivya said finally make this piece of  madness understand the matter .

Hmm I got it she said eating chocolate.

So congratulations , I need party k, he said in teasing way.

Off course my bhai, she said as she was happy knowing the new .

Now let's end ours chat here, I'm in office will see u later in home .

Ya bhai, bye bye take care .saying this both ended there call

After twice know shivya said come in

"Sir maan sir wants to talk to u regarding something important so he wants u to join him for lunch this noon "adi said .

"Oki adi I will see to it"

Okie sir saying this adi took leave from shivya cabin

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