Just Keep Swimming

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Chapter Nine: Just Keep Swimming

~~ I gasped and attempted to pull away from the Captain, but, he held me to him; smirking to the privateer. Raoul stood on deck with a perfect posture and a stern, emotionless expression as the Captain ran his fingers through my hair and chose a piece, twirling it around his index finger and smiling down to me. I looked up again to Raoul to see his stern expression drip away to one of rage which burnt heavily in both of his eyes; the Captain enjoyed every second of it. "What's the matter, monsieur privateer? Afraid that your girlfriend likes me better?"

He asked, I pinched the Captain's back and he glanced down to me with furrowed brows. "I'm not his girlfriend" I hissed through gritted teeth; the Captain grinned and nodded.

"It seems, monsieur privateer, she is not your girlfriend" the Captain said, sticking his bottom lip out in pseudo sadness.

"You are correct, my dear sir. We're betrothed; her parents agreed to it." Raoul said; I groaned and broke from the Captain's tight grasp.

"I am no ones! Do you hear me? No one owns me! I am my own person" I yelled at the Captain and Raoul both; the Captain was grinning and continued twirling my hair. The Captain walked behind me and rested his arms around my waist.

"Yes, clearly, you are no ones. Now, hop along into my quarters and I'll be there in a few moments to change that." He said, turning his head around towards me and smiling; I rolled my eyes and his crew laughed. Raoul shook his head.

"Why do you take this, Anna? Why do you take the sexual comments and perversion? Come to my boat, Anna, I swear you will have none of that here." Raoul said with a gentle smile, extending his hand to me.

"If you leave this boat our deal is off" the Captain said in a whisper into my ear; but, Raoul heard.

"Deal? What deal?" Raoul asked quickly, glancing from the Captain to I.

"It is none of your business, monsieur privateer." The Captain hissed, tightening his grip of my waist; Raoul held his hands up in surrender and stared at me.

"Come over to my ship, Anna, it's much nicer than a pirate ship, believe me, I've been on both! Besides, you can have your own room" Raoul said.

"I already have my own room" said I and the Captain grinned; Raoul sighed.

"A fully furnished room, and, I'll take you wherever you want to go; free of charge, no deals."

"No deals?" I asked, slightly convinced.

"No deals" Raoul said with a smile; the Captain's expression fell and he held me tighter to him.

"...But...what do you get out of it, Monsieur Raoul?" I asked, quite puzzled.

"Simply to travel with you." Raoul answered, still smiling, he knew he was winning me over. I attempted to move forwards but I was yanked in place by the Captain's arms which seemed to double in muscularity within seconds! I turned and glanced at his face to see white rage blanketing his features; in his eyes sparkled composed indignation.

"You're not leaving this vessel" the Captain hissed; turning to his men and throwing me to them, within seconds ten hands were holding me hostage.

"H-Hey! Let me go!" I cried, but, the Captain ignored my pleas and drew his sword to Raoul. 

"Lock her in her quarters" the Captain hissed to his men, all of a sudden a gunshot rang out and within seconds mass chaos ensued! Men were rushing from boat to boat, swords drawn and guns blazing; cannon fire clouded the air and pirates swung on ropes above head, teeth gnashing and vocal chords straining. I was shoved into my room and fell as the boat rocked unexpectedly; the men slammed my door shut and I heard the lock click from my uncomfortable position of being pressed up against the wall beside my bed. I stood and on shaking legs and the boat rolled, causing me to fall back, onto my bed; this stumbling around went on for quite a while, until I gave up attempting to walk and clutched onto my bed for dear life. The lock clicked on my door and the Captain came through, I narrowed my eyes at him as he locked the door once more and turned to me.

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