Personal ➵ Angels and Demons: A Random Book

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I'm not really a fan of this (aka, I hate it), but I can't really use Photoshop right now, so this will have to do for now.

This is a cover for a rant/random/update book. I'm still debating on publishing it because I feel like no one will read it and I hate my Intro chapter. But at the same time, I really want to express some of my opinions and post updates and just be more communicative. And I feel like a rant book is better, since I'm not talking to one person in particular, because I always feel like I'm annoying and they hate me.

Also, maybe it will help me with exploring my gender. Since I'm pretty sure I'm in the non-binary section, I would really like to have a term that fits me, you know? I honestly like to have "labels." Like, it doesn't make me unique or anything, I just like to know who I am. I'm not special because of my gender or sexuality, but I do like to know what they are.

So mini rant over. Here's the (ugly) cover.

 Here's the (ugly) cover

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I know. It's a text slap and it sucks. But I feel like I have to share it since I like to share all my graphics, even if they're ugly lol

Also, I was working on digital art before Photoshop started to not work. So I'm super excited to share that (unless it flops, but I'll probably still update this book because of it haha).

Well, goodbye for now. I'm sorry for the ugly cover.

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