Love ya~

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^^^^ don't mind those numbers.


"Can I ask where we are going for the date? Can I open my eyes yet?" Today was the day of you and Kuroo's official date. He wanted to surprise you and keep where the date would be, a secret.

"Just hang on a little longer." He laughs at your curiosity. "It will be fun, don't worry!"

"It's just that...with these shoes Ayano wanted to make me wear and this walking, my feet sort of hurt..." You say and Kuroo immediately stops pulling you.

"Oh, sorry...but I can carry you on my back?" He offers, and you backup an inch.

"'s fine. We can keep walking, as long as it's not too far away..."

"Come on, I'm sure you're not too heavy. Open your eyes for about 5 seconds so you can climb on. And no peeking on the ride." He smiles when you open your eyes.

He was crouched down so you could get on his back. As soon as he started to walk again, you close your eyes, making sure not to ruin your surprise.

"Told ya you weren't too heavy."


"And here we are- but don't open up your eyes just yet....just need to make sure everything is...and open!"

You open your eyes to see trees with cherry blossoms along with some of the flowers falling on the ground.

Kuroo points to a bench. "That's where we shared that food once when it was raining....and where we saw that rainbow, remember?" You nod and keep looking. "And that.." He points to a spot a little away from the bench. "That's where we first kissed....unless it was more over there....sorry. Do you like it?"

"Certainly! It's so pretty, especially around this time of the year....thank you for remembering everything and taking me here." You smile until Kuroo walks behind the bench and picks up a basket.

"I got my mom and sister to help me make some food for our date probably wouldn't have tasted good if it was just me..." He scratched the back of his head. "Come sit."

You walk to the bench and sit on the side you sat on before, while Kuroo sat on the other side.


"The food looks so good! Your family is really good at cooking."

"It was mostly my sister and mom, but thank you. My mom told me to let you try this first." Kuroo picks up something with the utensil.

"Oh, I'll try it first then." You reach for a utensil until Kuroo stops you.

"It's fine, I'll feed you it.." He blushes.

"If you insist.." You reply, knowing that Kuroo won't take no for an answer.

"Open wide." He laughs. You listen and he puts the food in your mouth. You start to chew and your eyes sparkle.

"Kuroo! The food is so good! I need to ask your mom and sister" You say, wanting more of what they made.

"Do you want another?" He asks, which you respond by nodding your head excitedly. "Ok, open~" He puts the food in your mouth again, which you happily accept and eat.

The rest of the date at the bench is you two eating/feeding each other and just talking.

"Remember how we both finally started more by that piece of paper?" Kuroo asks you with a smile.

"I couldn't forget one of the best days of my life." You say and he holds your hands. "I was so happy someone cared enough to attempt at being friends."

"Me too. I'm glad someone else didn't get to you before I did." He laughs. "Even if they did, I'd still try my best to win you over." You start laughing with each other.

Luckily, you both had already cleaned the food because he pulled you closer. (WITH THOSE DAMN STRONG VOLLEYBALL PLAYING SPANKING ARMS)

"Did I already say I loved you today?" Kuroo asks while you both watch the passing people and everything around you.

"Yes, many times actually." You giggle and look up to see him blushing. "But I don't mind it."

"I really really really really really really love you! So much that it's impossible to express. Not even the smartest thing in the world can. Nothing-"

"So cheesy~"

"I know."

"This was nice."

"I'll take you on a date wherever you want to. Unless it's really soon and you're trying to leave Japan. Or if you want to leave the plane-"

"Kuroo, anywhere with you will be nice. It doesn't have to be somewhere fancy for our dates." You smile up to him. "Don't worry."

"Haha, ok. You want to eat at my house tonight? You can invite your brother if you want."

"Mhm. Let's not leave yet, I still want to sit here."

"Whatever you want."

Kuroo Tetsuro x reader - Heart throbWhere stories live. Discover now