Chapter 30

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Wow, 30 chapters and 8k reads, unbelievable. I'd never thought I'd actually get to write a book so loved by all of you. Thank you so much for the support, and I can't wait to see what will happen further along. Thank you Lovelies! And make sure to read the authors note at the end, very important.

Walking down the stairs into the main hall, I passed Mr. Molesley.

"Hello, Mr. Molesley" he looked to me. "Hello" he said out of breath.

"Are you alright?" He put his hands on his hips.

"Yes. I ran here" I chuckled. "Are you going to stay on as Mr. Matthew's valet?" He nodded his head.

"I think so" I smiled placing my hand on his shoulder as I passed him down the stairs. "Welcome to the Downton Family, Mr. Molesley"

"Thank you, Lilly" he called to me as I made my way down the stairs.


I was sat in the servants' hall talking with Anna when Thomas came rushing in.
Where are they?"

"Where are what?" Anna asked confused.

"His bloody evening shirts. That's what!" Thomas yelled to Alfred.
"Where have you put them?"

"I haven't touched his evening shirts. Why would I?" Thomas looked from Alfred to Mrs. O'Brien. "Have you done this?" He spat.

"Thomas, why would I know anything about his Lordship's shirts?" I studied her as she spoke. She's lying.

"When I find out..."

"Keep your histrionics to yourself and hurry up about it. Her Ladyship's already in the drawing room. Are you telling me his Lordship's not even dressed?" She scolded him. Thomas clenched his jaw and looked to Alfred once more before rushing upstairs.

Mrs. O'Brien picked up her magazine as I looked to Anna and Alfred. Anna went back to her sewing, I looked to Alfred. He shrugged his shoulders before talking with Anna. I looked back to Mrs. O'Brien to see a smirk on her lips, I clenched my jaw.

"You took the shirts" her head looked up to me, as did Alfred's and Anna's

"What's? No I didn't. Why would I do that, Lilly?" I leaned forwards onto the table.

"Don't play innocent with me. You're trying to get him sacked because of Alfred" she looked nervous as she looked to her nephew and Anna. "I don't know what-"

"Yes, you do" I no longer see her as the friend I had gained, I now see her as the spineless cold hearted woman that she was the day I came here.

"I know you and Thomas aren't allies anymore, but believe me, Mrs: O'Brien. You don't want me as an enemy. And if you keep this up. It will be hell for you" I stood up from the table and walks upstairs.


"Thank you, Marge" she skips before leaving. I pulled my white gloves over my elbows. I smoothed out my dress before walking downstairs.

I walked into the main to see Lady Violet had arrived. Mary rushed passed me and grabbed Lady Violets hand.

"Granny, come with me. Come see what we've done!" She said excitedly as she dragged her into the dining room. I looked to Mr. Carson with a shy smile. He bowed his head, I let out a sigh.

"Mr. Carson, about what I said in the servants' hall a while ago. I am terribly sorry. I shouldn't have said that to you, and I'm sorry, truly. Can we be friends again?" He chuckled before giving me a small smile.

A Lady and her Footman (a Downton Abbey Fanfiction/Thomas Barrow)Where stories live. Discover now