Chapter 10

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my head hurts. I think I drank more than what is required

" Hey you. One more beer. This time to go. Pack it real good okay. " Hyuk slurred

I think it's time I pay someone a visit now


Knock knock
Knock knock
Knock knock
Knock knock

" Coming coming. " A voice called out from inside

Hyuk smiled at that voice. Slowly the door opened and a gasp was all that was heard.

" Hyuk...what are you doing here? It's so late. You should go home "

" Mother mother mother. How could you push your son away? You should invite me home. Forgot all about me after you divorced from Dad? " Hyuk pushes his mother to side and staggering into her home.

" Wait wait. Why are you here? You arent supposed.........."


All that his mother could do is take a step back and stare at hyuk. She secretly dialed Ravi's number. She knew that Ravi would get the message. Hyuk has come to her home in drunken state one too many times.
She calmly tries to talk to hyuk like she always used to.

" Hyuk go home. Now is not the time to talk. Come in the morning. " She says calmly

Hyuk looks around taking in the luxurious life she leads. " Do you think of us? Me and ravi? Ever think of us? Or are we just a faded memory. "
He stopped and looked at the picture hanging on the wall. " So not even a single picture of your children but apparently a trip to Paris is frame worthy. Are we less than that? "

" Hyuk " she starts but judging by his mood she decided that she couldn't ask him to leave so suddenly. " It was never like that. You know I Lov......cared for you"

Hyuk smirks and just laughs. " If you so called cared for us then you would have stayed. You wouldn't have beaten us. You wouldn't have done anything you had done. All I wanted was you to love me. Was that wrong? "
" It was wrong. I never wanted you. It was your father who wanted to adopt. You want what. You deserve the truth. I hated you both. I wanted to have children on my own but I had to take care of someone's children? Who likes that. " Her words echoed off the walls.

He looks at her in shock. Slowly realizing that all these days of hoping that she will come around to loving her children was a lost cause.

" I see " he sighed... " Then get out. Get out of this home. You don't deserve to be under Ravi's care if you don't love him. You are just using him for the money he earns "

She blankly stares at him with contempt in her eyes, " someone who is living under his brother's earning should tell me to leave. This is my home now. If you can get out if you came here to accuse me. I don't have to stand hear listening to all your accusations. I did what I had to do. "

He let her words sink in slowly.

" Are you going to cry now? You use to do that Everytime i was harsh to you. Your brother used to protect you. He isn't here now. What will you do? " She challenged

" What will I do? " He walks towards her with hatered in his eyes , " you really want to know mother ? "

He grabs her neck and tightens his hold.

" HYUK " screams Ravi and pulls hyuk away from their mother. " What I'd wrong with you? Are you crazy. Get a hold of yourself. "

" Why are you supporting that woman? All she has done is harm us. She never loved or cared for us. So why are you doing this? " hyuk screams

" You really need to get a hold of yourself. You don't understand and will not understand why I'm doing the things I'm doing now. Leave her alone and never come here again. Understood? "

" I will not understand. I will never. But I never wish to see her face ever again. " He tells her looking dead straight into his mother's eyes before walking out

" I'm sorry for all the trouble that was caused. Please don't take any harsh decision based on this behavior " Ravi pleads.

" I'll think about it. But you better start making arrangements. I think a new house is a good way to ease my pain " she demands

" I'll see to it that it's done "


Ravi finds hyuk sitting on the sidewalk staring at the sky. He goes next to hyuk and silently sits down. He puts his arm around hyuk and gives his shoulder a squeeze.

" Leave her alone hyuk. She doesn't deserve your hate or your love. " He starts but decides to stop lecturing seeing hyuk's face

" I think I want to be left alone now hyung. I feel better. And I think I'll walk back home. You just go " he starts walking off before Ravi could answer.

Hyuk kept walking and walking trying to clear his thoughts out. He suddenly stops at a bridge over looking the Hangang river.

I can't keep lashing out at people. I'm hurting people around me. I will not think of her. I'm sorry. I'm sorry everyone for hurting you.

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