teddy lupin : comfort

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Your Name: Morgan
Your House: Gryffindor
Your Year: 6th
Boys Name: Teddy
Boys House: Hufflepuff
Boys Year: 7th
Wished Plot: Your parents are just killed and Teddy tries to comfort you


6 days.

That's how long it had been since Morgan had left her room in the Gryffindor tower. Her roommates had continuously brought her food from the Great Hall when they ate, but she ate none of it. Little snacks here and there but she didn't have much of an appetite. She had lost her appetite after the events that had taken place last week.

Her parents were killed last week. Killed by Deatheaters right in front of her. They believed that she had been dead, thus leaving her alive before she was able to call anyone for help. Even after the death of Voldemort just about 17 years ago his parasites are still doing his work. Trying to cleanse the Wizarding world of those with anything but Pureblood.

Teddy Lupin was sitting in the Great Hall, for the 6th day in a row he scanned across the Hall for Morgan. She was a friend of his and after hearing about the travesty that had stuck her he felt terrible. He too was an orphan, never meeting his parents to his own recollection. He was unable to visit her because she was in a Gryffindor tower, he was a Hufflepuff. And the girls stair well turned to a slide if any boy dared to try and climb the stairs.

Teddy rushed from the Hufflepuff table and over to the Gryffindor table where his 'siblings' James and Lily sat. Lily was one of Morgan roommates, she was how he initially met Morgan. He was going to see if it would be possible to get into Gryffindor tower, at hopes to see Morgan.

"Lily! Lily!" The red head turned and looked up at the blue haired boy. She made room for him at the table, he sat with one leg on either side of the bench.

"Hi Teddy, what's up?" She asked, her friends looked over him again and again, she paid no attention to them. His changing hair and pierced ears along with his morphing abilities was only a few of the things that made all the younger girls romanize him.

"I was wondering if it was possible for me to get into Gryffindor tower with you after Diner?" Lily's face went from a puzzled glance before a wide smile spread on her face.

"You wanna see Morgan don't you?" She poked at him, Teddy looked down. His face flushed red and his clammy hand clasped onto the back of his neck. "I'll take you Teddy." She mumbled before standing up. Teddy stumbled as he followed her.

The Gryffindor was much different than the Hufflepuff tower. The Hufflepuff tower was bright and next to the kitchen so it was never hard to get a snack. There was no fire place in the Hufflepuff tower but in Gryffindor tower the smell of burning fire wood filled the air.

"I'll see if she'll come down." Lily told Teddy. He continued to look around the common room and decided that this one seemed very welcoming but wouldn't trade the Hufflepuff common room for anything. Everyone was so nice, the Gryffindor common room was no sought loud at all times except when abandoned for classes or dinner.

Morgan came down the stairs rolled in a blanket. It looked like a blanket that one would buy at a muggle store titled Walmart, or at least that's what Teddy thought the name was.

She saw Teddy and was suddenly filled with confusion, why was he here? Teddy and Morgan were friends, that was true but not close enough to where she was expecting him to visits.

"Hey." Teddy mumbled as she sat on the couch next to him. Teddy tossed his arm onto the back of the couch. "How are you feeling?" He asked, it was a valid question. Not a good one considering that her parents were dead but it was a common question.

"Really Teddy, my parents just died and all you can ask is 'how are you feeling'?" She hissed at him, Teddy blinked and pulled his hand from the couch into his lap. Morgan looked over Teddy's face before she sighed, her face breaking from the mean facade she had put on. "I'm sorry." This time her voice was soft, almost broken.

"Morgan it's fine, I get that right now is a terrible time-"

"They're dead Teddy." Her face then fell, tears boiled from her eyes while she gripped the blanket that was wrapped around her. "They're dead and I'm all alone." Morgans eyes were puffy as she cried.

"Hey hey-" Teddy pulled her into his chest, she shook against him while she sobbed. "- it's okay, I mean it's not okay but, your not alone okay? You've got- you've form me and lily and James and so- so many other people who can help you through this." He soothed to her. Morgan nodded while continuing to sob. Teddy held her and let her cry. It was going to be a long time until she was okay again, but Teddy would be there for her.

Word Count: 879

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